Ever since pigs were proven to be great pets just like dogs, they are usually being compared with each other. It’s expected to wonder about the most logical questions regarding their differences!
Are pigs smarter than dogs? Majority of scientific studies says YES, they are smarter than dogs. Pigs actually ranked as the fifth most intelligent animal in the world. This ranking may change over the years, but they will always remain at the top. Many people who owned both dogs and pigs as pets support the claim that pigs are smarter than dogs.
Pigs can be easier to handle than most breed of dogs too.
Since these people have real experience when it comes to having both animals as their companions, their statement is highly credible and goes along with the majority of scientific studies.
The world has been researching about animals for a very long time, but it’s only until recently that people started paying attention to pigs.

Having a bad reputation, pigs were considered as the “lesser” race of animals compared to our favorite pet companion dogs that has been accepted by the society in the past.
Despite this, pigs still managed to stand out because of their big personalities and surprising intelligence. Their behavior is comparable to dogs, but they do have areas where they might differ.
Dogs can be extremely patient and will tolerate being completely submissive. However, pigs are capable of taking advantage of emotional manipulation to get what they want.
In this aspect, scientists and researchers concluded that pigs are smarter because they know how to avoid being abused or manipulate people and even other animals.
Dogs can be very selfless unlike pigs that are capable of being selfish. In this world, selflessness can be a sign of weakness. While being selfish is branded as a trait of smart beings because they have higher survivability.
Even so, this may depend on a person’s point of view and all animals have their pros and cons.
Each person will have their own preferences and may see the intelligence of pigs differently compared to others. What is great for one may be bad for someone.
Get to know more about pigs and decide for yourself.
How smart can pigs get?
Better focusing skills and greater memory
Pigs can really surprise you with their great memory as well as how fast they can learn and pick up hints about certain things.
Scientific studies and research states that an average pig have the same intelligence level as a 2 year old human child.
There were also tests performed in recent studies to challenge the power of pig’s mind.
Pigs were tested by making them try playing a video game. The result was surprisingly better than chimps, which is an animal that is popularly known for its intelligence.
They discovered that pigs can have better focus and produce a higher success rate when it comes to tests and challenges unlike dogs and chimps.
Not all dogs can learn as fast as a pig can, as some dogs are known to be stubborn or even be full of pride. Although they are usually submissive, many dogs can be stubborn when it comes to training.
Unlike pigs that seem to naturally learn without feeling forced. They tend to learn faster because of their ability to focus better. Dogs can be easily distracted because of their playful nature.
The advantage of being a prey
Another reason why pigs are possibly truly smarter than dogs is because they are prey animals.
Dogs are predator animals by default.
Prey animals need to be on alert more than predators and thus, may develop a more sensitive way of living. They need to be smarter than their swift and strong predators.
Pigs possibly learned to enhance their intelligence by adapting and learning how to outsmart their predators.
Dogs do not have to be on guard most of the time, they are usually comfortable anywhere and don’t struggle too hard when searching for food.
I have a personal saying regarding this aspect in life. The poor may be poor, but they can definitely be wiser than the rich.

It’s because when you are always on edge, you become desperate to cling on for survival. While those who are at the top have it easy and tend to forget the meaning of challenges.
When life is hard, it teaches you to become strong. Even if they are prey animals, if their minds are strong, their chances of survivability will definitely increase.
Pigs – Pros and Cons
Comparing the two animals further, we will mention their difference in terms of behavior with great detail.
Learns faster | Can be manipulative, be spoiled |
Usually quiet | May be perceived as “boring” |
Not a picky eater | Prone to diseases if not careful |
Clean animals | Caring or raising may be expensive |
Docile and social | Male pigs may attempt to establish dominance |
This table should give you a good and general idea about general pig behavior. Each pros and cons will be explained below.
PROS – Quick Learner
Like dogs, pigs can be house trained easily. Many owners mentioned that using the treat-reward system is very effective! Since they are smart, conditioning pigs using treats will be useful.
Pigs will also start learning their names as early as two to three weeks old. They will also show response when being called.
There are many reasons why pigs can be great pets. You can check one of our articles about how amazing they can be. Read “Most Common Breeds of Pet Pigs”
Dogs do learn quickly, but like what was mentioned earlier, they may become more stubborn than pigs despite being the submissive type.
Simply put, pigs that can be manipulative are less likely to be stubborn but dogs that may be submissive have a higher chance of being stubborn.
CONS – Can become spoiled or manipulative
As already stated above, the reason why they can be manipulative is just their natural instinct. If they have the opportunity to get better things, they will take it.
Their intelligence allows them to sense another animal or person’s emotions as pigs themselves are capable of feeling both negative and positive emotions.
When they mourn, they are capable of crying real tears! This display of behavior proves that pigs are smart enough to have feelings and emotions.
When pigs sense grief from others, they may console them for comfort.
However, they can also use this to their advantage if they know they can get something out of it such as rewards or treats. They can also purposely misbehave to manipulate you into giving what they want.
Dogs are also capable of being manipulative, but this trait is more common in pigs than dogs.
PROS – Silent behavior
Being prey animals, pigs are naturally quiet and avoid making unnecessary noise to reduce the risks of alerting nearby predators.
This is one reason why people may prefer pigs as pets over dogs and even cats as they do not bark too loud or constantly meow.
Even as domesticated animals, pigs still carried this trait and it’s completely understandable.
Despite the quiet personality, they are still capable of making sounds as a form of communication.
The sound they make is famously called an “oink” because it sounds like it! Other terms are grunting, snorting and squealing.
Pigs can actually be very vocal when they are in their comfort zone and it’s their easiest way of communicating with other pigs. If you own a pig, you can observe the tone of their “oinks”.
Matured pigs that are ready to reproduce can do a certain “song” or “mating call“. The sounds they make can have different meanings and learning them naturally can be very fun for owners.
CONS – Perceived as Boring
Humans are on top of the “food chain” and tend to have “predator animals” as pets more than “prey animals”.
Studies say that this is because we have similarities in terms of behavior which is why, having a prey animal around can be perceived as “uninteresting” or “boring” for some people.

The silence of a pig discourages certain people but it’s completely understandable.
Some people want vocal pets like dogs as it is easier to understand them that way. They also prefer having a “barking alarm” and have a guard dog around for safety.
If pigs detect the presence of a stranger within the property, the loudest noise they can make is continuous grunting or oinking which may not be loud enough to alarm the other animals or people.
There is also a chance for pigs to run out of fear, not leaving a clue for other people about the stranger’s presence.
PROS – Not a Picky Eater!
Unlike some dogs that can be picky, pigs can eat almost anything! They are omnivores, but they have only one specific restriction.
From a wide range of fruits and vegetables, people can choose to give them as treats or meal for their pigs.
It’s important to give them a balanced diet to stay fit and healthy and real pig pellets is also recommended.
Pigs can also eat grass, roots and certain insects!
To save even a bit from your budget, you can let your pig graze for grass outdoors if you have a fence to keep them from going astray.
They will also dig the ground to eat edible roots and locate safe to consume insects. Pigs will instinctively know what is dangerous for them to consume.
Still, it’s advisable to stay nearby and supervise your pig when letting them outside to avoid them eating junk, scrap food or left over food.
They are not picky, so they can and they will eat those too!
Curious about what to feed your pig? You can check our detailed article about it here.
CONS – Prone to sickness
A pig’s health can be sensitive and since they are not picky, they might end up eating something that is not right for their body.
If dogs are not allowed to eat chocolates, a similar restriction exists for pigs.
Pigs are strictly not allowed to eat meat and owners should be prohibited from giving them any.
The reason behind this is the risk of possible virus outbreaks. The easiest way for a pig to get sick or infected is by consuming meat.
Not only does it put your pig’s health in danger, it also endangers you and the other people that might be infected too.
Another reason why pigs can be prone to sicknesses is because of their inability to sweat.
They will have a hard time adjusting to temperatures and may not do very well when it comes to harsh conditions such as severe cold or extreme heat.
Pigs can easily get sunburn, heatstroke, pneumonia and more if they are exposed to such temperatures for a long time.
Although they may function better in averagely cool and dry weather, it’s still best to keep them away from extreme cold if possible.
Most breed of pigs do not have hair or fur to keep them warm too. Even when they have hair, it’s very thin and will not be enough.
Compared to dogs that are often covered in fur, pigs are less likely to survive harsh weather conditions.
Want to know how to properly care for your pig to avoid getting sick? Read our article about caring for pigs here.
Owning a pig is also a bit more complicated than regular pets like dogs as you would need to apply for a license first before being able to legally care and raise your pig.
This may differ depending on your location, some places do not need licenses but it’s still heavily advised to check with your local animal health offices first.
Learn more about legalizing your pet pig by using our detailed guide here.
PROS – Pigs are CLEAN
Unlike what they are popularly known for, pigs are actually one of the cleanest farm animals. As much as possible, they would prefer to keep their living and feeding area clean.

They would avoid soiling all over the place and turn one area into their toilet space.
The reason why people thought pigs are dirty is because they are often seen covered in mud. Pigs like to roll in mud as a way to cool off since they are unable to sweat.
It’s also possible that this could be a way for pigs to mask their scents.
Although they should be naturally odorless, pigs in the wild will be surrounded by a specific environment and eventually develop a distinct smell.
Predators will remember this smell and make it easier for pigs to be tracked down and hunted.
To avoid this, it’s possible that pigs figured out the skill of masking scents at the same time, staying cool and fending off parasites such as flies.
Dogs on the other hand, may require time to learn how to use their litter box! There are also reported cases when fully trained dogs still make “accidents” in areas they’re not supposed to soil.
Pigs have a valid reason for rolling in mud, but some dogs just do it for fun. They like to get dirty and there is still no actual explanation why dogs enjoy doing so.
If given the options, pigs would prefer to bathe in water than mud.
Playful dogs may also tend to make more mess within the house compared to pigs.
CONS – It can be expensive to raise them
Adopting or buying a pig as a pet comes with great responsibility, patience, love and commitment. They live long like dogs, sometimes, they may even outlive dogs.
Similar to caring for dogs, pigs may come with a great cost and owners must be prepared for it.
An estimated total cost could take up to $600 and more. It’s natural to wonder about the total costs after finding out about their needs, so here’s a helpful page that can explain all the costs in full detail for you.
Link: https://lovelivegrow.com/cost-to-raise-a-pig/
To explain further with more detail, the feed alone could get expensive. You must also consider the amount of water supply for drinking.
Housing or bedding if they are indoor pets is necessary for comfort too. Medications and treatments should be added to your calculations and lastly, if it’s required, licensing may cost some money as well.
Please be reminded that prices may differ depending on your country or area therefore we can only provide an estimated amount.
Still need more details? We have an article for the costs of raising pigs too! Read our article here.
PROS – Pigs are gentle and social animals
Similar to dogs, they are usually gentle and get along well with other animals too. You can be comfortable in letting pigs coexist with other house pets such as cats and dogs!
They are friendly to the point of allowing children be near them, the same way parents can trust their dogs with their own children.
Even so, it’s still encouraged to stay nearby and supervise interaction between other pets including children to avoid unwanted accidents.
Pigs are not dangerous or aggressive. They are kind by nature.
CONS – Misbehaving and other negative actions
Before getting a pig, it’s important to consider their age, background and breed too.
Pigs that were raised incorrectly, pigs that have a status as “alpha male” and pigs that are old enough tend to be irritable may misbehave.
Dogs will always and normally see their human as the “alpha male” and know how to back down. They may show signs of aggression when feeding, but nothing more than that.
An aggressive male pig tends to be MORE stubborn and may cause injuries if they have unmaintained large tusks and such.
Please consult a professional on how to deal with a pig with bad behavior. Often times, it’s the result of abuse or mistreatment for the pig.
There should be options to help rehabilitate your pig.
Abused or mistreated dogs are more fearful compared to pigs, but both need time, patience and dedication when helping them recover.
Love animals equally
If you’re still reading to this point, we want to remind you before you go. All animals and pets deserve freedom, love and good treatment.
Despite whoever turns out to be smarter than the other, it doesn’t take away the good things in that animal.
Both animal have their own charms and individual personalities and it is best not to judge or limit our opinion on them by basing on their intelligence level.
Give nature the same love as much as we take from them.
- What are the most common breeds of pet pigs?
The number one pet is a potbellied miniature pig. All potbellied pigs are miniatures. Its small size adds to its cute appearance which is why it’s a global favorite
The following is a list of the most common breeds.
- Miniature Pig
- Juliana Pig
- Kunekune Pig
- Tamworth Pig
- Berkshire Pig
Not only are they common, they are popular for their friendly characteristics!
One may think that they are all similar, but each breed could have their own unique traits and personalities. Owning any kind of pet is a huge responsibility and requires commitment.
Before deciding you want to adopt or buy a pig, it’s important to consider your compatibility with them.
- Can pigs learn how to swim?
Yes, pigs can learn how to swim.
In the capital of Bahamas, there are beaches that have become a tourist attraction because of the swimming pigs! Nassau, the capital city of Bahamas is growing popular because of their swimming pigs.
Pigs would prefer water than mud but at first, they might not like baths. However, as long as you get them used to it, they will eventually enjoy it.
When your pig learns how to swim, you can turn this into a fun exercise or activity for both you and your pig! Together, you can stay fit.