Pigs are becoming popular as pets and this is because they are surprisingly friendly, easier to handle and fun to be with.

How to care for a pig? The owner must know what to feed their pet pigs, what they eat and should not eat, provide a balanced diet and a safe and healthy environment, provide healthcare and other important needs. It’s also necessary to get to know your pet pig and understand their behavior very well. Pet pigs need sufficient nutrients and exercise in order to stay healthy or fit and avoid obesity.

Caring for a pig or simply owning one as a pet comes with great responsibility and should be prepared for not only mentally, but also financially.

An average domesticated pig could live 15 years up to 20 years if properly cared for.

This means that you need to be prepared to keep them as lifetime companions as they can grow old enough to stay with you for as long as they can.

Pet pigs will have a lot of needs like an average pet. These needs are very important and must be provided to properly care for your pig.

Owners must know the right amount of food their pet pig needs, how much water they consume, how much space they need, what kind of temperature they prefer, what kind of healthcare they require and many more.

A regular pig will also need sufficient social interaction otherwise they might grow distant, lonely and even get to the point of depression.

As long as the owners know and understand what these needs are, they will definitely master the proper way of caring for their pet pigs.

Having a pet requires genuine love, patience and commitment. Therefore, we will provide detailed information about what your pet pig needs.

What do pigs need?


An average pig should eat at least two times a day. Pigs are not picky eaters and you can feed them almost anything!

However, pigs are strictly NOT ALLOWED TO CONSUME MEAT.

The reason behind this is to prevent pigs from getting sick. The easiest way for them to get infected with a disease is by eating meat.

This can turn into a virus that may be transmitted to humans and cause yet another outbreak.

Instead, you may feed your pig with various fruits and vegetables. Real pig pellets are the best choice for your pet pig as it provides a balanced diet for them.

Pigs can also eat grass, so if you have a yard or lawn that has grass, you may let them graze on it. They may occasionally dig the ground up to eat roots and certain insects. (Safe for them to consume)

You may learn more about what to feed your pet pig by checking one of our helpful articles about it. “What can I feed my pig?


On a daily basis, an average pig can drink 5 to 10 liters a day. A pregnant or mothering pig might need twice the regular amount in order to produce enough milk.

Pigs are unable to sweat which is why they have a hard time cooling off. Drinking lots of water will help them keep their body temperature cool.

Make sure that their water tanks or drinking bowls cannot be tipped over as they have a tendency to play with food or water. Sometimes, they can be careless or clumsy.

It’s important to ensure they always have enough water to drink as dehydration can make them sick or if it’s too hot and they can’t cool off, pigs are easily prone to heat stroke.


As mentioned above, your pig has a hard time cooling off due to their dysfunctional sweat glands.

Studies say that they function better under cool temperatures but harsh weather conditions could easily affect them or make them sick.

Severe cold or extreme heat could give pneumonia or heat stroke. There have been cases where pigs passed away due to extreme temperatures.

To properly care for your pig, it’s important to pay attention to the temperature. The room must be averagely cool or warm. They must also be able to remain dry and protected from parasites such as flies.

Despite being kept indoors, pigs will also need sufficient amount of sunshine. You can take them out or let them outside to bask under the sunlight in the morning.

Doing this will also be a soothing activity for your pet pig as they enjoy the outdoor life, they like the morning sun and have the opportunity to graze on grass.

If you don’t have an area where they can stay out, an optional solution is taking your pet pig out for a walk. This could also serve as an adequate exercise for your pet pig.

Most pigs will enjoy a walk in the morning as they are adventurous animals that appreciate exploring their surrounding areas.

Note: Walking your pig may require legal permissions.
Read our article about legalizing your pet and getting a pig license.

As a pig owner, you need to buy a proper bed for your pet. If they are still growing, it’s safe to go for the long term product as they might grow twice their current size!

Even miniature pigs can grow larger than expected, so to help you save, it’s advisable to anticipate growth for your pet pig.

With a good bed that they can fit in, they will be comfortable to stay in your home.

They also require a CLEAN ENVIRONMENT. A dirty room can affect your pig’s behavior and potentially harm their health. Surprisingly, they are actually one of the cleanest farm animals.

Unlike what they are known for, pigs are very clean. They would rather use the “toilet” rather than making a mess everywhere. Keeping their room clean can keep them positive and comfortable.

If they are one of the cleanest, why do pigs like to roll around in mud?

The answer is because of their sweat gland issue. Being unable to cool off, most pigs only have mud near them to keep cool.

Since this has been the most common method they use, pigs developed a natural liking towards mud and may enjoy playing in them if they grew up unused to water.

Rolling in mud also helps keep away parasites like flies. You may bathe your pigs and get them used to it until they learn to enjoy it. Pigs can also learn how to swim.


Pigs are very intelligent creatures and curious by nature. This is why it’s important to know they desire freedom to explore.

Indoor pet pigs should have access to at least a few rooms or if possible, the entire house if every room is “pig-proofed”. The more freedom your pet pig has, the more you can help stabilize their mental health.

There is also a belief about animals that are often caged, isolated or chained up to one area tend to be depressed, irritable, distant or aloof and at times, may even be territorial or violent.

Since pigs are intelligent animals, they are capable of feeling both negative and positive emotions.

It’s best to “pig proof” your home to give them freedom!

They are smart, so you can definitely house train your pet pig. They can learn how to use the litter box and few simple tricks.

Some owners even claim that they are easier to handle, care for and train compared to other animals like cats and dogs.

You can read about how much space they need with more details here.

If you are also curious about how to “pig proof” your home, you can see another one of our articles on keeping your pet pig indoors by following this link: (link)


Since pigs can be sensitive when it comes to health, it’s highly recommended to let your pet pig have annual medical checkups.

Vaccination is necessary while spaying and neutering is also deeply encouraged.

Another reason why owning a pet pig will require frequent visits to the veterinary clinic is because you might need help with trimming.

Hooves, nails and tusks trimming are important and crucial to your pig’s health.

Overgrown and unmaintained hooves, nails and tusks could cause soreness and severe pain when it starts injuring the body structure. It may also cause infection, appetite loss, locomotive issues and more.

Trimming can be a challenging task for a new owner that is why we advise to seek professional help or assistance from a veterinarian.

If you are curious on how to do the entire process of trimming and caring for their hooves, nails and tusks, you may read our article about it here. (Link)

Are pigs good pets?

Now that you’ve read and learned about the basic needs of a pet pig, you might start to wonder if they are worth the trouble and if they are good pets.

The answer is YES, they can definitely be good pets.

There are a lot of reasons why they can be great pets for some people.

— They are smart and can be trained easily.
— They are not picky eaters.
— They are social and can get along well with other pets.
— They can be sweet and emphatic.
— They are gentle and friendly.


  • How much does it cost to raise a pig?

An estimated total could take amount to $600 and more. It’s natural to wonder about the total costs after finding out about their needs, so here’s a helpful page that can explain all the costs in full detail for you.

Link: https://lovelivegrow.com/cost-to-raise-a-pig/

To explain further with more detail, the feed alone could get expensive. You must also consider the amount of water supply for drinking.

Housing or bedding if they are indoor pets is necessary for comfort too. Medications and treatments should be added to your calculations and lastly, if it’s required, licensing may cost some money as well.

Please be reminded that prices may differ depending on your country or area therefore we can only provide an estimated amount. 

  • What are the common breeds of pet pigs?

The number one pet is a potbellied miniature pig. All potbellied pigs are miniatures. Its small size adds to its cute appearance which is why it’s a global favorite

The following is a list of the most common breeds.

  • Miniature Pig
  • Juliana Pig
  • Kunekune Pig
  • Tamworth Pig
  • Berkshire Pig

Not only are they common, they are popular for their friendly characteristics!

One may think that they are all similar, but each breed could have their own unique traits and personalities. Owning any kind of pet is a huge responsibility and requires commitment.

Before deciding you want to adopt or buy a pig, it’s important to consider your compatibility with them. We have an entire article about the common breeds of pet pigs and you can read it here.