Are you a new owner? Is it your first time raising a pig? No worries, this article will guide you properly on how to bond with your pet pig!

How to bond with your pig? To form a bond, always interact with your pig and socialize with them. First, you must gain their trust. To gain their trust, you have to be patient and let them become familiar with you, your place and everything around them. Once they are familiar with you and their environment, they will be at ease and may willingly express themselves immediately.

Even if animals can’t talk, a pig is smart and can possibly comprehend what you are telling them. You can start playing with them, doing small activities and even teaching them to do certain tricks.

Bonding with your pig requires patience. Not all pigs will open up to you at first-hand, therefore you must not rush otherwise they might perceive your impatience as a sign of hostility.

They might unintentionally retaliate to “hostility” by avoiding you and acting stubborn which is the exact opposite of what we want to do that is to bond with them.

Every pig will have different, individual personalities. You must get to know them first and let them move at their own pace.

Most of the time, they will approach you on their own because pigs are naturally curious animals. They will tend to examine anything near them with their snouts (noses).

They will try to nudge you or “push” you with their noses as a form of communication. This is called “rooting” and should not be confused with aggressive behavior.

Rooting is completely normal among pigs and there is a good chance of forming bonds faster when you respond to their nudging by petting them or just by simply talking to them.

At first, it might seem hard but believe me, it’s worth it. Pigs are one of the most wonderful pets you can ever have! So to help you, there will be more tips and points to remember as you read on.

Why you should get to know your pig to bond with them

Pigs may have individual personalities but they do possess common traits that they share with every other breed of pig.

What are the natural behavior and traits of a domesticated pig?

It’s important to know them to fully understand and grasp the comfort zone of your pig. It will become easier to bond with them if you know what they like and dislike.

Did you know that a pig is studied to have almost the same intelligence level as a 2 year old kid? That’s right, they even ranked fifth among the most intelligent animals in the world.

Since they are pretty clever, they are good at remembering things and will be grateful towards positive actions but they can also hold grudges against anyone who wrongs them.

Their intelligence is also the reason behind their deeply curious nature which is why pigs should be given with enough space or freedom. Otherwise, they can be depressed or lonely.

Pigs are also one of the most sensitive or emotional animals you can come across with. This trait makes it easier to gain their approval because they will know how to perceive your positive actions towards them.

Some breeds may have a natural fondness towards humans because of many years of domestication related to their breed.

They have big hearts and a curious yet fun personality which is why it is worth gaining their trust. Pigs are friends for life, they are lifetime worthy companions.

What are the activities you can do to bond with your pig

Now that you have an idea on how the general pig personality works, you can move on to the next step which is learning the things or activities they like which will boost your bond with each other.

1. Play time

Most friendships between man and pets begin with a little playful approach. When your pig approaches you excitedly (wagging their tail, happy eyes and smiling faces) you can take it as a sign of playfulness.

Young piglets especially will have a lot of energy to spare for play time.

You can play chase with them or throw safe objects on the ground for them to chase or catch. Some may even play hide and seek!

However, do keep in mind that pigs have a sensitive nose and may not like being touched around that area! Playing is fun, but still, we must be careful when handling them.

2. Giving treats

Aside from playing with them, you can also try training them by rewarding them with treats. Food is one of the easiest ways to win over their affection.

What do pigs like to eat?

Most pigs are said to love cooked broccoli, dark green lettuce, beets, oranges, grapefruit, melons, pitted peaches, pitted cherries, pitted apricots, cooked potatoes, all squashes, pumpkins, yams, zucchini, kale, tomatoes, chard, carrots, apples, snow peas, cucumbers and spinach.

They may also like treats such as Cheerios, baked cheese crisps, popcorn, bite-sized shredded wheat and grapes.

Now, these are just the common preference and your pig may also develop their personal tastes. Pigs are not picky eaters so you have a wide selection of treats to choose from!

3. Taking care of them

Bonding is not limited to doing extra activities. Bonding can also occur during simple things that we do for them.

When we clean them up by bathing them, give them water when they are thirsty, trim their hooves when necessary and taking them out on walks can also help build up your bond.

See, these kind of things develop naturally and can only be boosted by other specific activities.

However, as long as you take care of your pig properly and spend enough time with them, the bond will form naturally. You just need patience.

What are the other fun activities to do for bonding with your pig

Aside from the normal activities, there are still more fun things you can do with your pig that both the owner and the pet can enjoy. These activities will boost your bond with each other.

Pigcasso, the Pig who Paints

Did you know that there is a pig named Pigcasso who knows how to paint? Apparently, Pigcasso is the only pig in the world that can paint! Or perhaps, the first pig discovered with a talent and passion for painting.

Knowing this, why not try giving your pig a brush and a canvass to work on? Who knows, maybe your pig can become the next Pigcasso!

Pigcasso can sell her paintings all over the world because of her tremendous skill that gained her popularity.

When our pets are having fun, we feel happy inside too. You can give it a shot!

Extra fact —Pigs have poor eyesight and they are studied to have a dichromatic vision which means they only have two pigment cones that create colors.

When an animal have a dichromatic vision, the way they will see the world is less vibrant or colorful compared to others.

Tests were initiated and most pigs could recognize colors such as black, blue, red, grey, white and brown. They don’t seem to react or recognize other bright colors like yellow and green.

Knowing this fact makes Pigcasso even more amazing. She can paint even if the colors in her world are not as vibrant as ours. She can truly be an inspiration!

Pigs can’t fly, but they can swim!

Contrary to the popular belief, pigs are actually very tidy and prefer to stay clean as much as possible. The only reason they roll in mud is to keep cool!

Pigs would prefer water than mud but at first, they might not like baths. However, as long as you get them used to it, they will eventually enjoy it.

When your pig learns how to swim, you can turn this into a fun exercise or activity for both you and your pig! Together, you can stay fit.

What you should avoid to have a solid bond with your pig

Pigs can be sensitive and will easily remember even the little things we do for them. They must be managed carefully to raise them properly.

Even something as simple as raising your voice out of anger or frustration can affect your bond. Pigs are prey animals and can easily develop fear in their hearts.

As much as possible, owners should remember the following.

  • Never hurt your pig!
  • Avoid raising your voice
  • Avoid forcing them
  • Avoid keeping them confined or isolated
  • Avoid mixing them with potential predators
  • Prioritize their comfort

There are many ways to properly discipline your pig and we must never succumb to frustration and violence!

Related Questions

  • Do pigs like mud?

Pigs developed a natural liking towards mud because it is the easiest way for them to cool off. Pigs in captivity do not have access to ponds, rivers, lakes or any body of water.

Pigs cannot sweat properly even if they do have sweat glands. Therefore, they resort to rolling in mud in order to keep cool.

The truth is, pigs would prefer water over mud but since they rarely have access to natural water, rolling in mud became part of a pig’s natural behavior.

Even pet pigs that have never touched mud may still enjoy playing in mud if given the chance because it has become part of their nature.

If you’re interested to know more about why pigs roll in mud, we have a detailed article for you here.

  • Do pigs get along with other animals?

In general, pigs are kind animals that get along with almost any animal. The only problem is if the animal would like them back.

Many pet owners support the observations that say pigs get along with cats better than dogs.

This is because pigs can become very playful to the point that the other animal can lose their patience.

Dogs are gentle creatures but anyone who has raised more than two dogs knows how their play fights can easily turn into a quick aggressive fight when one of them loses their temper.

A fight between a dog and pig will have an obvious winner despite the size of the pig. Even a small dog can win over a pig because pigs are prey animals that would rather prioritize defense than offense.

However, beyond the risk of the fights, pigs can become best friends with other animals but they get along best with a fellow pig.

If you want to read a topic related to this, here are our articles that may be helpful for you.

Do Pigs Get Along with Cats?
Do Pet Pigs Get Along with Dogs?” — related to this: “Are Pigs Smarter than Dogs?
Do Pigs Need Other Pigs?”