Pigs are becoming popular pets over the years and it’s natural to be curious about their traits and basic facts. I’ve been drawn by their charm too and did my own research about the life of a pig! Let me share my knowledge about them with you.

What’s the life expectancy of a pig? The life expectancy of an average pig can get up to 15 or 20 years. It’s very long compared to wild pigs which are known to live only up to 4 and 8 years. Depending on their breed, the life expectancy could differ.

Certain breeds may be born with complications and special medical needs due to the way they were raised and bred. “Teacup” or “Micro” breeds are popular for its appearance, but are also known to have a short lifespan due to health problems.

This is why adopting is encouraged more than shopping to stop illegal breeders.

One factor that allows them to live longer than usual is how well they are cared for. Pet pigs are always well fed and are provided with their needs, securing a healthy lifestyle for them.

Their environment could greatly affect their life too.

At times, pigs cannot handle extreme heat or extreme cold. They are prone to heat stroke and pneumonia if not monitored. Other sickness may affect them as well. There are reported incidents when pigs pass away due to the extreme weather conditions.

However, it is known that obesity is the most common health problem with pet pigs. It could cause a lot of health problems, therefore it is important to give them a properly balanced diet.

There are also cases where when a pig is raised alone, pigs can get lonely or depressed to the point of starving themselves to death.

For cases like this, it might be best to give your pig a companion to keep them happy in life.

To ensure a healthy and long life for a pig, there are factors that need to be considered. Caring for pigs will have a big role in their life expectancy.


Proper diet and right food

With the right diet, a pig could live 15 years up to 20 years as stated above.

Food is crucial for any living being. However, it is important for you to know that pigs are omnivores. They eat meat like we do. Even so, you should NOT feed meat to a pig.


Feeding meat to a pig is strictly prohibited as it is an easy way to get them infected by a disease through the meat.

Virus outbreaks happened all over the world because pigs consumed meat and the disease were transmitted to humans. We don’t want this to happen to you or your pig, so please do not feed them any kind of meat.

What do pigs eat?

Pigs eat various types of fruits and vegetables. A real pig pellet is the best feed choice for them as it contains all the balanced nutrients that a pig will need, but it can get costly so it’s up to you to decide how you will feed them.

Most pigs are known to love cooked broccoli.

Some may or may not like certain fruits and vegetables, but keep trying until you figure out what your pig likes and dislikes.

Pigs can also eat grass and certain insects.

You can let them out on your lawn or backyard to graze on the grass and dig up the ground to search for snacks (insects).

Remember, as long as they eat the right food and stay away from sickness, they will live as long as possible.

Keep them hydrated. An average pig can drink 5 up to 10 liters a day!

Because they are unable to sweat, they have trouble cooling off. Therefore, they need to drink a lot of water to feel cool. Dehydration could lead to death or stress.

Proper housing, clean and safe environment

Despite the known stigma revolving them, pigs are actually one of the cleanest farm animals.

It’s important to keep them in a clean, dry and warm enough place to avoid getting sick. A shelter to protect them from the rain, wind or heat.

They may not like baths at first, but it will be helpful to get them used to it. It will keep away parasites or flies and other sickness.

Pink pigs are prone to sunburn while brown pigs or hairy pigs have more protection and tolerance with the sun.

Despite this sensitivity, the morning sunshine can give them natural vitamins so make sure they get enough sunlight but also shade to protect them from afternoon heat.

As indoor pets, make sure they have the right bedding to keep them comfortable.

An uncomfortable animal may start acting grumpy or aloof which causes them stress. Stress is one factor that affects anyone’s health. Keep your pig relaxed with the right housing and room temperature.

Relieving stress

Related to what was stated above, pigs can get stressed too. They are very intelligent animals and scientists even say they can be smarter than dogs or other primates.

Their intelligence allows them to feel emotions too.

Pigs are curious animals.

Expect them to roam around, examining objects with their snouts (nose) which is sensitive to touch. Avoid touching the nose too much as it is what they rely on to compensate their poor eyesight.

Since they are curious, give them enough space to walk around or let them roam freely.

A free animal is more mentally happy than those locked up in cages or tied up to one spot. Happiness is a natural factor that boosts one’s health even if it’s an emotional condition.

They are also trainable like other house pets. You can play with them to keep them from getting lonely if they do not have other animal companions.

It can be helpful to give them regular exercises such as taking them out on walks or letting them sunbathe in the morning.


Properly caring for any animal involves having to get them checked with the veterinarian. It’s important to find out as early as possible if they have certain conditions that need help with.

Pigs need to be vaccinated too. Spaying and neutering is also recommended.

If you notice a pig behaving strange or injured, do not make any major steps unless you are experienced on such field. Seek help from a professional to treat them as it could potentially infect you too.

Once diagnosed with sickness, carefully watch over what the pig eats.

Most of the time, it can get sick because of what it eats.

A sick animal is prone to stress, therefore, avoid forcing the animal to do certain activities if it does not want to. Keep them away from disturbing noise or from playful children for safety of the child too.

If the pig has companions, it’s suggested to moderately isolate the sick or injured pig away from the other animals for the meantime until it gets better to avoid further complications.


Unlike our domestic pigs, they do not have permanent shelter to protect them from nature’s force. They also have to hunt and search for food on their own while risking their own safety.

Pigs are prey animals and due to the high mortality rate from predators, wild pigs don’t live long.

Since their environment is also far bigger and mixed with many different factors, they are much more prone to sickness than a domestic pig.

However, just like regular pigs, they are also prone to infection and diseases if they eat meat.

They are similar in a lot of aspects, but wild pigs can have a sense of aggression and a territorial behavior when threatened or hunting.


  • Is it legal to raise a pig?

The answer depends on where you live. Laws differ on every country especially regarding animal welfare. It’s highly recommended to check with your local officers to verify first before you adopt a pig.

If it requires a license, please register your pig for its safety and yours too. It might also come with various benefits, so it’s worth the cost. Read this article here

  • How much does it cost to raise a pig?

An estimated total could take up to $600 and more. It’s natural to wonder about the total costs after finding out about their needs, we have a helpful page that can explain all the costs in full detail for you.

Here’s another helpful article: https://lovelivegrow.com/cost-to-raise-a-pig/
to help explain further with more detail, the feed alone could get expensive. You must also consider the amount of water supply for drinking. Housing or bedding if they are indoor pets is necessary for comfort too. Medications and treatments should be added to your calculations and lastly, if it’s required, licensing may cost some money as well.

Please be reminded that prices may differ depending on your country or area therefore we can only provide an estimated amount.