Ever since pigs have become popular in the world of pets, it’s only natural to wonder about the most common breeds of pigs that are taken as pets!
What is the number one most common pet pig? The number one pet is a pot bellied miniature pig. All pot bellied pigs are miniatures. Its small size adds to its cute appearance which is why it’s a global favorite.
The following is a list of the most common breeds.
- Miniature Pig
- Juliana Pig
- Kunekune Pig
- Tamworth Pig
- Berkshire Pig
Not only are they common, they are popular for their friendly characteristics!
One may think that they are all similar, but each breed could have their own unique traits and personalities. Owning any kind of pet is a huge responsibility and requires commitment.
Before deciding you want to adopt or buy a pig, it’s important to consider your compatibility with them.
Miniature Pigs
Miniature pigs are the product of careful and selective breeding.
Most types of miniature pigs can only grow up to 10 inches.
Although this may strike a negative impression on others, there are reputable breeders that claim the program they use to breed miniature pigs are safe and healthy.
Some miniature pigs were revealed to be underfed to stunt their growth and other unnatural methods were used which is why it was difficult to get them into the market at first.
Potbellied pigs are the most popular type of mini pigs that are loved by many pig owners.
They have the intelligence level of a 2 year old child. Pigs can be playful, grumpy, lonely, happy, stressed and depressed. They have a wide range of emotions that make them unique from other pets.
They are commonly known for their affectionate behavior. Miniature pigs can be very sweet and gentle that they will let you cuddle with them.
Some miniature pigs may even enjoy lap visits.
Their behavior and emotions heavily depend on the way they are raised or currently treated. Miniature pigs can also be house trained. They can learn how to use the litter box, play fetch, simple tricks and more.
Some owners and their miniature pigs have fun dressing up! It may depend on your miniature, but some of them like to get dressed.
You may take them out on walks or go for a swim once they learn how.
Since there is now a safe and healthy method of selective breeding, miniature pigs still grow into an average pig with no health issues.
Selective breeding has been suggested to have a negative impact on pigs.
However, pig owners state that their miniature pigs can outlive their expected short lifespan and live up to 15 to 20 years! Just like an average pig.
As long as you know how to take care of your miniature pig, they will definitely stay as lifelong companions.
These pigs are domestic therefore they are not violent or aggressive.
Experimenting with miniature pigs began around year 1998 when Chris Murray of Devon, England wanted to produce a smaller breed of pigs as pets.
It’s possibly because of business as “small animals” are often associated with “cuteness” and can be easily sold as pets.
It took years and different kind of breeds to pair with before an actual “miniature pig” was born.
However, “miniature” or “teacup” breeds are not an official breed recognized by science as it is not something that was naturally created.
In other words, miniature pigs may not stay as small as they are and may grow larger than expected! There’s no guarantee that your miniature pig will be forever small, so it’s important to be prepared even when they grow.
Juliana Pig

The next most common (and popular) breed is the Juliana pigs.
An average Juliana pig can grow up to 15-17 inches in height.
The Juliana breed of pigs is said to originate from Europe through selective breeding just like most miniature pigs.
This breed is also known as the “miniature painted pig” because of its colorful, spotted appearance. This is part of their charm and makes them stand out from other pet pigs.
However, rather than a small pig, its appearance is closely similar to feral pigs or a hog. Despite this, many people still find them adorable.
Regardless of gender, Juliana pigs make good pets as they do not have different behaviors unlike other breeds where certain male pigs could develop territorial behavior.
Just like other pigs, Juliana pigs are also known to get along very well with other house pets!
If you’re looking for a new kind of companion for your pet, Juliana pigs could be a good option for you.
Aside from that, most pigs are social animals and will have more fun being around animals that they get along with.
Just like a normal miniature pig, Juliana pigs are also sweet and can be cuddly. They are very gentle but can still be playful at times!
Kunekune Pigs

Kunekune pigs are one of the breeds that were commonly used for selective breeding of miniature pigs.
An average Kunekune can grow up to 24 inches tall. Kunekunes have very short legs paired with short and round body and may have two wattles until its chin.
This breed is believed to have originated from an Asian domestic breed. The local Maori people of New Zealand adopted the Kunekune which means “fat and round”.
Its shape makes it look unique from other breed of pigs, but just like a miniature pig, there’s no guarantee that it will stay as small as it is.
Kunekune are known to make good house pets and backyard pets. They can graze on the grass and dig the ground for roots and insects which is safe for them to consume.
They can be independent but despite that, they are still greatly adored by pig owners.
If an independent animal can grow affectionate towards you, it’s a very pleasing sign that makes any owner happy. It means they earned the animal’s seal of approval.
However, being independent doesn’t mean they are aloof.
Kunekunes are actually friendly, docile and easy to handle. They are also intelligent like other breed of pigs. This intelligence allows them to be trained.
Some Kunekune pigs are even used to help around orchard and garden work which involves cleaning up. They can be taught to pick up trash and compile it in a designated area.
The reputation of Kunekune is backed up by a lot of pig owners that state they are one of the best breeds to have and can be easier to handle than dogs.
Most Kunekune breed cannot get fleas but possibly get ticks although it rarely happens. The only parasite that attempts to infest pigs most of the time are flies.
Kunekune are notably known for their silent and peaceful personality.
Tamworth Pigs

Tamworth pigs are also known as “Sandy Back” because of its outstanding color of golden red that resembles sand. They are also nicknamed “Tam“.
Their skin color is often described as “Ginger“.
An average Tamworth pig can grow 20 to 26 inches in height.
Similar to the Kunekune, they are popular for their docile temperament. However, they can get active if they are excited or too happy.
This breed of pig received its name from its origins, Tamworth, Staffordshire United Kingdom with input from Irish pigs.
Even though most of Tam pigs are raised as livestock, they are recently adopted as house pets like other pig breeds.
Tam pigs grow slower compared to other pigs but they are definitely larger than the other common pet pigs.
Since Tamworth pigs grow slower, they are rarely raised by other farmers. But those who do, praise the breed.
Tamworth pigs are a tough breed that don’t get sick easily and they can be independent like Kunekunes. They can be left outdoors without much supervision.
They are excellent at finding their own food and grazing on pasture grounds. Farmers also say that Tamworth pigs have good mothering skills.
Other pig breeds have accidents when going to motherhood such as smothering their offspring or unconsciously laying on them until they choke.
Tamworth pigs rarely make those mistakes! They are large compared to other common pet breeds, but their good nature makes them a good choice.
A mothering Tamworth pig may become distant especially around her young. She may grow defensive when there are people around her offspring.
Their behavior is significantly similar to that of an average large dog.
Berkshire Pig

Over the years, the Berkshire pig have officially become considered as a “Rare Breed”.
Berkshire pigs are an averagely large breed. Their average weight is 270 kg.
They are also known as “Kurobuta” in Japan. “Kuro” means “Black” while “Buta” means “Pig“. They earned this name due to their black hair and large bodies.
This breed originated from the English country of Berkshire.
Despite their large bodies, they have very short legs which makes their appearance look adorable to some people.
This is why some people have taken them in as pets and because of their rare breed, it may require registering a Berkshire with a license to ensure that they are in the right hands.
The original Berkshire’s appearance had a reddish or sandy-brown appearance and sometimes have spots on them.
Berkshires are friendly and curious which makes them good pets for other people. Pig owners describe the experience of owning a Berkshire similar to having a large pet dog.
All the breeds that were mentioned above are considered the best for pig owners.
Pigs, any kind of breed, are intelligent and curious in general.
Depending on their upbringing, every pig could have a different kind of behavior or personality.
Their most common characteristic that are loved by owners is the fact that they are not picky eaters.
Pigs can eat almost anything! They are omnivores, but they should not be fed with meat.
It’s prohibited to feed meat to your pig.
Eating meat is the easiest way for a pig to be infected by diseases coming from the meat and could be transmitted to humans.
Several virus outbreaks already happened in the past.
Swine Influenza (H1N1 VIRUS) and Foot-And-Mouth Disease were two of the notoriously known diseases that came from pigs. It may seem like a regular fever, but it can prove being fatal.
These illnesses took away many innocent lives and made them suffer along the way.
This is why you must be careful of what you feed your pig as some products may contain meat or products that had contact with meat.
With this made clear, the safest food you can give your pig are real pig pellets which can be brought from poultry supply stores and other pet supply shops.
Pellets contain all the nutrients that a pig needs to give them a balanced diet.
Pigs also eat many kinds of fruits and vegetables, which is why you have a wide range of choices to pick from when giving them treats.
Most pigs are known to love cooked broccoli, but it could be different for every pig.
Many pig owners that cared for both animals began supporting this claim recently. This is because most pig breeds tend to be docile and less hyperactive or loud compared to dogs.
While they can be sweet and cuddly, they can also guarantee a quiet behavior and do not bark loudly which is what certain owners prefer.
Some owners also find the experience unique and fun because pigs used to be an uncommon pet and bringing one into their home felt like a new challenge.
They can be trained like dogs. Owners state that treat rewarding method proves to be very effective. They can learn basic tasks like picking up objects.
Pigs can also enjoy going out for walks and learning how to swim.
Since they are intelligent, they are capable of having emotions like we do. Pigs are surprisingly compassionate. When a companion passes away, they are aware and can grieve to the point of crying real tears.
When they sense grief from others, including people, they may approach and console them for comfort.
This is why some studies say that pigs can work well as emotional support animals or as a therapy animal that can help reduce depression.
Pigs in general can also get along well with almost any other animal as long as they are not being bullied or threatened. They are prey animals and tend to get frightened easily.
In the past, pigs were used as a negative symbol which created a stigma in our society. With their bad reputation, they were ignored by the majority of people until today.
Pigs are actually one of the cleanest farm animals.
They prefer to have a dry and warm place to sleep on. The only reason why pigs tend to play or roll around in mud is because of their body temperature.
Pigs are not able to sweat, despite having sweat glands, it doesn’t really prove to be helpful when it comes to adjusting temperatures.
Rolling in the mud helps them cool off and keep away parasites such as flies.
Pet pigs may not like baths at first, but they will eventually enjoy it as long as you get them used to it.
If they are surrounded by a dirty environment, they tend to be stressed, irritable and at rare times, aggressive.
It’s important to keep them cool and clean and this is why they are now popular as pets due to their surprising cleanliness contrary to the false information spread about pigs in the past.
- What is the average lifespan of a pig?
The life expectancy of an average pig is 15 to 20 years. This is long compared to their wild counterpart that only lives 4 up to 8 years.
Although the popular pet breed “mini pigs” are said to have shorter lifespan due to their complicated and selective breeding, many pig owners claim their pets lived up to 15 years and more.
This information brings us to the conclusion that there are times that they can live longer than their expected lifespan as long as they are healthy and loved.
- How much does it cost to raise a pig?
An estimated total could take up to $600 and more. It’s natural to wonder about the total costs after finding out about their needs, so here’s a helpful page that can explain all the costs in full detail for you.
To explain further with more detail, the feed alone could get expensive. You must also consider the amount of water supply for drinking.
Housing or bedding if they are indoor pets is necessary for comfort too. Medications and treatments should be added to your calculations and lastly, if it’s required, licensing may cost some money as well.
Please be reminded that prices may differ depending on your country or area therefore we can only provide an estimated amount.
- Is it legal to own a pig?
The answer depends on where you live. Laws differ on every country especially regarding animal welfare. It’s highly recommended to check with your local officers to verify first before you adopt a pig.
If it requires a license, please register your pig for its safety and yours too. It might also come with various benefits, so it’s worth the cost. You can see if they are legal in your area in this article