One of the most common breeds of pigs raised in farms is Large White pigs. They are also often used for crossbreeding purposes.
The Large White pigs are an all-time favorite and have been popular throughout the years because of their many usages for farmers. They grow up to 350 to 380 kilos (771 – 837 lb.) and are also strong and fit as long as they have a proper diet.
Technically, they are considered one of the leading breeds in the world in terms. Large White pigs are favored by farmers because the breed has a lot of positive things to offer.
Since the breed is popular, not much is known about them in general. All we know is the common details but not the other important parts.
That is why this article can serve as your essential guide to fully understand the Large White pigs and learn everything you need to know about them.
History and Origins
The exact origin of the Large White pigs is not yet clear until today. However, what we currently know is that they were first recognized around the year 1868 in Yorkshire, England.
Large White pigs are the progenitor breed of the popular American Yorkshire pigs developed in North America.
Theories also suggest that the breed was possibly crossed with the Cumberland pig and Leicestershire pig including the Middle and Small White pigs.
Aside from being the most popular, the Large White pigs are also one of the largest in population. The breed has never faced critical levels and is always well treated by their owners.
The breed has been officially registered in the National Pig Breeders’ Association since 1884.
The Large White pigs were also originally bred for outdoor raising but they proved to be well adaptable to indoor conditions and thrives normally under strict captivity.

Anatomy and Physical Appearance
As the name implies, the breed is large and full white in color. They are also known for their long, prick ears.
The appearance of a Large White pig has been used as the main symbol of pigs since the past and that is why most people have the general idea that pigs are often white or pink like the Large White pig.
They are a medium to large sized pigs and have long backs paired with medium to long length of legs.
COLORS — There are times when you may encounter a different colored Large White pigs, they may be darker at times and may vary in colors when crossbred. However, their main and original color is pure white.
HEAD — Large White pigs commonly have small to medium sized heads and has a slightly dished face.
EARS — The ears are usually long and pricked upwards.
SNOUT (THE NOSE) — Large White pigs have small to medium sized, slightly upturned noses. Pigs are born with excellent sense of smell which is why their snouts can be quite sensitive to touch.
WEIGHT — The average weight for a matured male Large White pig could grow up to 350 to 380 kilos (771 – 837 lb.) while a female could only be around 260 to 300 kilos (573 – 661 lb.)
TEETH — Large White pigs will have normal and non-sharp teeth but can still bite really hard onto food. All pigs usually get their sharp needle teeth clipped moments or hours after birth.
The sharp teeth will be replaced by normal teeth afterwards.
TUSKS — all pigs grow tusks including domestic breeds like the Large White pigs. Male or female, wild or domestic, there are no exceptions.
Females usually have shorter or smaller tusks that rarely grow long or large enough to stick out of their mouths. Because of this trait, it was one of the easy ways to identify the gender of the pigs in the wild.
The tusks serve as a pig’s offensive and defensive weapon. However, domestic pigs usually have their tusks completely removed as it serves no purpose in captivity.
For those who may not be aware, the tusk is actually part of the jawbones and is considered part of the teeth. This means that if you cut off their tusks, it will not grow back.
However, trimming is a different task and is only done to care for the pig.
NAILS AND HOOVES — The Large White pigs also have hooves and “dewclaws” that may need trimming. On average, a pig should have trimming done at least once a year.
Indoor pigs will require more trimming while outdoor pigs that have a stable, solid footing may require lesser trimming sessions.
TAIL — Large White pigs often have short and curly tails if not docked. There is no actual explanation why pigs or hogs curl their tails but there are a lot of theories as to why they do.
The only known purpose of a pig’s tail is to drive away insects like flies. It is to reach the areas their legs and mouth cannot reach.
Curious why pigs have curly tails? We have an article about that for you here.
Characteristics and Personality
The Large White pigs are praised for their natural docile behavior. They are gentle and social animals. They function well as a herd and have great mothering skills.
These pigs are great for any type of lifestyle which is why farmers are often pleased with the breed. Large White pigs can adapt to both outdoor living and indoor living without problem.
When the area is abundant with natural food resources, a Large White pig can be left alone without many problems as they can be independent.
They can also tolerate harsh climate unlike most breeds of pigs. They are known for their sturdy bodies which make them stronger compared to other breeds of pigs.

Intelligent creatures
Did you know that pigs or hogs are so intelligent, they ranked fifth among the most intelligent animals in the world? Even the Large White pigs are proven to be as smart as the other breeds of pigs.
They are also capable of outsmarting chimpanzees, one of the top smartest animals we’ve ever known! Many people also say they can be smarter than dogs.
The intelligence of pigs such as the Large White pig makes them popular even as pets. This also makes them unique from other regular pets or farm animals.
Large White pigs can also really surprise you with their great memory as well as how fast they can learn and pick up hints about certain things.
For example, they will remember the spot where you left their treat and will come back to it the very next day!
Aside from ranking fifth in the world ranking, scientific studies and research also stated that an average hog have the same intelligence level as a 2 year old human child.
They discovered that pigs can have better focus and produce a higher success rate when it comes to tests and challenges unlike dogs and chimps.
Not all dogs can learn as fast as a pig can, as some dogs are known to be stubborn or even be full of pride. Although they are usually submissive, many dogs can be stubborn when it comes to training.
Unlike pigs that seem to naturally learn without feeling forced. They tend to learn faster because of their ability to focus better. Pigs are a naturally obedient animal when raised or tamed properly.
The advantage of being a prey
Another reason why pigs like the Large White pigs have such great intelligence compared to others is because they are prey animals.
Despite being domesticated, most animal breeds still retain their wild and natural traits.
Most pets that we have kept and raised are predator animals like cats and dogs so now we are being surprised by a prey like hogs and their capabilities.
Prey animals need to be on alert more than predators and thus, may develop a more sensitive way of living. They need to be smarter than their swift and strong predators.
Pigs possibly learned to enhance their intelligence by adapting and learning how to outsmart their predators.
Predators do not have to be on guard most of the time, they are usually comfortable anywhere and don’t struggle as hard as a prey when searching for food.
I have a personal saying regarding this aspect in life. The poor may be poor, but they can definitely be wiser than the rich.
It’s because when you are always on edge, you become desperate to cling on for survival. While those who are at the top have it easy and tend to forget the meaning of challenges.
When life is hard, it teaches you to become strong. Even if they are prey animals, if their minds are strong, their chances of survivability will definitely increase.
They can be house trained
Many owners say they can learn even faster than dogs. The Large White pigs or just pigs in general, can be house trained. They may learn how to use the litter box, play fetch and do several other tricks.
Despite their medium to large sizes, they can still become your average house pet! No matter the size, domestic pigs are capable of becoming great companions for humans.
It has been proven that the “treat rewarding” method works very well with pigs when training them.
In relation to their intelligence, the Large White breed of pigs is capable of being compassionate. Their smart brains allow them to feel both negative and positive emotions.
This means that they can also feel pain, become depressed, be excited and many more! Because of this, many people are convinced that the cruel treatment towards livestock pigs should come to an end.
They can sense grief
Large White pigs are capable of sensing grief from other animals, their companions or their human owners. When they do, they have a tendency to console them for comfort.
They are aware when a companion passes away or when they get left behind or abandoned. They can be sad, depressed and lonely to the point of crying real tears when mourning their loss or simply missing something or someone.
They can be sensitive
Since they have almost the same mentality or intelligence level as a child, you can expect them to behave similarly to a child. Large White pigs can grow easily bored when isolated or irritable when kept in an uncomfortable place and more.
Despite their discomfort, they are rarely violent. They will never attack unless deeply provoked or feel extremely cornered. Again, they are very docile but they can still feel negative emotions.
When a pig is mistreated or abused, they WILL remember it. They know how to hold grudges, remember the faces of their abusers but they can also be grateful and remember those who cared for them.
This is part of the reason why they are lovely pets, because they exhibit a behavior where the owners must be emotionally prepared as pigs can be emotionally sensitive too.
Breeding and Life Expectancy
Large White pigs can become sexually matured at six to seven months of age like most hogs or pigs. They are normally bred around six months or one year of age.
Large White pigs are commonly expected to have 8 up to 10 piglets when giving birth.
Fully grown pigs can rarely give birth to 20 to 25 pigs, but it is possible with the larger breeds of pigs. The average number of piglets that can be born from most breeds starts at 5 piglets up to 10 piglets.
If you’re interested in learning more about breeding, you can check our article about that here.
Life expectancy

The Large White pig’s average life expectancy is 15 years up to 20 years.
As long as they are healthy and well cared for, a pig or a hog can live longer than expected.
Habitat and Environment
Just like most pigs, Large White pigs would prefer areas with rich pastures, sufficient food sources, fresh and clean water to drink and access to ponds or a muddy area to keep cool.
They should also have access to shelter that can shield them from severe weather conditions like strong winds, storms or extreme heat.
Natural habitat
In general, the wild habitat for most hogs or pigs generally moist forests, swamps and woodlands, especially oak forests and regions where seeds are abundant.
All hogs or pigs including the Large White pig will prefer to inhabit places with favorable climate. Although they can tolerate the hot weather, they can still be sensitive to severe cold or extreme heat.
If you’re looking to keep one as a pet, you must read on to understand their preferred environment when under captivity.
Another point to remember is that they are prey animals and need to be kept away from possible predators. If they have a wide space to graze outside, there must be fences to keep out animals like wolves, coyotes or even regular stray dogs.
Like every other hog or pig, Large White pigs have a hard time cooling off because of their inability to sweat. Because of this, they should be placed in an area that can keep them cool.
Again, they can be sensitive to harsh weather conditions and thus must be protected from extreme heat and severe cold. They must be shielded from rain and any kind of storms.
Did you know that obesity is one of the most common issues among pet pigs? This can be avoiding by providing them enough space is necessary in order for them to get the exercise they need.
Hogs or pigs are also curious and outgoing creatures and would prefer living outdoors rather than staying cooped up. If kept as indoor pets, it is best to provide them enough space.
If they do not have enough space or freedom to roam and explore, they may become depressed.
Depending on the number of other pigs that will live with them, a pig or a hog the size of the Large White pig should be able to have a large enough pen that will keep them comfortable.
If they are being kept as indoor pets, the best solution is to give them access to at least one or two rooms to give them comfort.
Know more about how much space most pigs need by reading our article about it here.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Every animal including man has their own imperfections. All pets will have their own pros and cons. The Large White pigs have more pros than cons, but of course, it’s important to learn what they are to fully understand their breed.
These pros and cons are applicable to many other breeds of pigs as they all exhibit similar traits and behavior. If you have read most of our articles, you may find these details similar with each other.
The explanation behind it is because all pigs have a similar nature which makes them little to no different with each other.
Not high maintenance | Prone to diseases if not careful! |
Good as pets | Can be spoiled or stubborn |
Social animals | Can be sensitive |
Clean animals | Needs enough space |
1. Not high maintenance
These pigs are not high maintenance because they are not picky eaters and adjust easily to their environment. They also don’t get sick easily as long as they are kept in a safe and clean area with the right food.
Pigs of any breed including Large White pigs have an opportunistic mentality when it comes to feeding. As long as it looks edible, they will accept and eat it.
They have what we call a “stomach of steel” which means they can eat almost anything without getting sick from it.
However, just because they can eat anything including junk, doesn’t mean we should feed them with just anything. Certain food can still be harmful to their health and will weaken their immune system.
Read “What can I feed my Pig” if you’re curious to know about what pigs can eat and should not eat.
2. Good as pets
Regardless of gender, Large White pigs make good pets because of their fondness towards human contact, interacting with new things and great maternal instinct.
They are naturally docile and can easily form a bond with anyone.
3. Social animals
Aside from being generally kind, a Large White pig is also capable of getting along well with other pets like cats. They can get along with dogs too, but it’s safer to leave them with animals that are close to them in size.
Dogs may be as large as a large breed of pigs, but they are clearly more powerful than pigs and can cause unwanted injuries or accidents when put together.
As long as you are comfortable that your dogs won’t hurt your Large White pig, they can definitely be great friends too.
Pigs can be great companions or playmates for your kids and other house pets which is why they deserve to be treated with love.
4. Clean animals
Unlike what we originally thought of them, Large White pigs are clean and prefer to keep their living area clean too.
As much as possible, they will assign a corner to become their toilet area in order to avoid soiling their living space.
They will enjoy baths and prefer water more than mud. Most pigs only rolled around in mud to keep cool because it’s the only thing they can do when there is no pond of water around them.
1. Prone to diseases if not careful
The disadvantage of being a non-picky eater is the risk of eating a harmful food that can infect their systems. Even though Large White pigs are stronger than other breeds of pigs, they can still get sick.
Large White pigs can eat anything including scrap food, junk, rotten food, spoiled food, decomposing food and decaying carcasses.
This is why it’s important to supervise your pig during feeding time and secure their feeding area and always keep it clean.
They are also strictly prohibited from eating meat (including any other meat products and food that has had contact with meat) as it is the easiest way for them to be infected by a disease that may be transmitted to humans.
You can read our article entitled “Can Pigs eat Meat?” if you would like to have more information about this topic.
2. Can be spoiled or stubborn
Since Large White pigs have a wide range of emotions, they can also have bad sides too. They can be stubborn if you spoil them too bad and become destructive as mentioned earlier.
Destructive behavior in adult Large White pigs can be a sign of stress, depression or a way to express their playfulness if they are still young.
If you think your pig is behaving deeply negative, it’s important to get them checked as it could be their only way of expressing internal pain that we usually do not notice until it gets worse!
Negative behavior is also a sign of mistreatment and abuse. This behavior can easily be corrected with proper training and discipline. An abused pig needs love and patience in order for them to heal and recover.
3. Can be sensitive
Did you know that raising your voice can also leave a bad impact on your pigs? The Large White pigs are no exception to this. For some, they might perceive it as a hostile behavior.
Little actions such as slight hitting will also be remembered by your Large White pig. They remember a lot of things, be it good or negative.
Leaving them alone for long hours can also be unhealthy when your Large White pig doesn’t have enough space to explore or companions to interact with.
To some, it may be similar to leaving a child alone.
This is why, people who plan to own Large White pigs should be aware of their emotional sensitivity. Remember, your piggy friend remembers!
4. Needs enough space
This has been mentioned many times in this thread. But yes, many first time owners are not aware that pigs need space! Other animals may tolerate being kept in one spot, but not Large White pigs.
Though they may be the popular ideal breed and capable of adapting to confined spaces, some of them may still not be able to tolerate tight spaces. It’s still important to let them free even just a few times a week.
They might try to make several escapes or even attempt to break through obstacles just to get to freedom. If they do not try to be free, they will become lonely and depressed.
This is why it’s frequently mentioned in order to remind potential owners that they need to be ready for adjusting their homes and make it “pig-proof”!
It might take some effort which is why it is considered as a disadvantage when owning a pig.
Read about a similar topic in order to get an idea how to pig proof your home. Read: “Keeping a Pig Indoors”
- How much is a Large White Pig?
The average price for Large White pigs starts from $300 to $800 and above. The prices may differ depending on the age and gender and can also depend if the breed is pure or not.
Prices may also differ depending on your location and breeder.
Aside from the amount of purchase, owners are also advised to be financially prepared for long term commitment as owning pigs comes with great responsibilities.
A friendly reminder: Always seek a reputable breeder for a safe and secured transaction.
See our article about “How much does it cost to Raise a Pig“
- What is the difference between the Large Black pig and the Large White pig?
The Large Black pig and Large White pig both originated from Britain, but the Large Black pig declined in population due to incompatibility with most farmers while the Large White pig continues to be popular until today.
The Large White pig has an unclear history of origins but the Large Black pig has more accurate information regarding their origins.
The Large Black pig were suited to outdoor lifestyle while the Large White pig could easily adapt to any lifestyle which is why they won the favor of most farmers in the early years.
The Large White pig is also often larger than the Large Black pig.