Once you learn that pigs are unable to sweat properly, you will begin to wonder how they can manage to cool off and that is what we are going to fully explain in this article!
How do pigs cool off? Pigs naturally cool off by soaking their bodies on any nearby water or mud, drinking water and taking shade under a clean and dry shelter.
Why can’t pigs sweat properly? Pigs do have a FEW sweat glands but it is not enough to help them adjust and maintain their body temperature.
It is important to have a balanced body temperature otherwise, an abnormal body temperature could lead to sickness and even develop unwanted diseases that may drag on.
There are pigs that are prone to sunburn and heatstroke which can lead to critical conditions. There are already severe cases when a heatstroke turned fatal and caused a pig’s death.
Pigs with thick hair and even woolly coats are at risk during hot weather and must be assisted in order to cool off. Always keep your pigs hydrated especially in summer!
Since pigs usually only have access to mud, they have no other choice but to roll in it and that is how we came to know that pigs are “dirty” and like to play in mud.
Well, what the majority know is that pigs do it for no reason but the reality is pigs do it because they are not picky and it is their only choice most of the time.
In fact, a pig would prefer water over mud. They are one of the cleanest animals you can come across with.
Pigs in captivity are usually neglected or not provided with adequate care that they need which is why we came to believe they are filthy animals which is the complete opposite of their real nature.
In a sense… pigs have cool personalities but they need our help when the climate gets too hot to deal with! Read on to find out how you can help a pig in need with full details.

How to keep your pig cool
Some of these may only require you to make small adjustments or put in little effort which can be a big thing for your pigs so make sure you keep note of these tips!
- Provide sufficient water
- Bathe your pig
- Take them for a swim
- Let them have access to a small body of water or mud
- Install a cooler or fan system
- Provide proper shelter
- Avoid unnecessary physical activities
- Avoid confining inside tight spaces
- Keep the environment clean
A. Provide sufficient water — water is one of the most crucial parts and must always be provided. An average pig can drink 5 liters up to 10 liters of water a day, but if the weather is too hot, consider giving them more.
B. Bathe your pig — some pigs may not like baths at first but this is because they are simply not used to it. It will be good if you can get your pig used to baths.
C. Take them for a swim — pigs can actually learn how to swim. Don’t be afraid to take the chance and let them learn as this could be a fun activity for you and your pet pig. Consider it a treat for the both of you!
D. Give access to a small body of water or mud — there should be a nearby pool that they can soak their bodies in if you don’t have the time to bathe them frequently.
Pools can be easily created if you have enough space or just by using a simple wide pail that they can fit in. You can also create a pool of mud which can be sufficient for them.
E. Install a cooler or a fan system — this may require you to spend some money and can be optional. Consider this suggestion if your pig is really having a hard time adjusting to the climate.
F. Provide proper shelter — as long as there is shade that can protect them from the sun and a dry area, it can make things easier for your pig.
G. Avoid unnecessary physical activities — this means you must avoid forcing them to do exercises or to play when the temperature won’t do well for their bodies. There are many ways to stay fit and have fun!
H. Avoid confining them in tight spaces — this will only make the heat get trapped inside your pig’s body and can lead to overheating or heatstroke. It’s important to give them adequate space.
I. Keep the environment clean — let’s all be honest, mankind is the biggest reason why the climate is turning harsh and more unpredictable nowadays.
A clean home or living area for both humans and animals really do give off a fresh vibe as it takes away unsolicited smells or things that can contribute to the heat!
Having a clean environment will surely invite cooler weather that we can all benefit from.
Let us become responsible people and keep our environment clean!
What type of weather do pigs prefer?
Generally, most breeds of pigs thrive well and better under cool climate.
Despite this, there are still tough and hardy breeds that can tolerate severe weather conditions but that doesn’t mean we should comfortably expose them to it.
Under harsh temperatures, a pig is easily prone to pneumonia and heatstroke that can easily lead to death in pigs.
Even when the pig survives the harsh temperatures, they may not be as healthy and strong as they used to be. It can greatly affect their overall health which is why owners must be careful.
How do pigs take advantage of mud
To further address the topic about pigs and mud, pigs prefer water over mud but they also probably developed a natural liking for mud over the years.
In a sense, “mud” became a pig’s “only friend” when it comes to cooling off because they have limited access to water.
This is why even young piglets who have never touched mud may instinctively know the mud is part of their nature and will tend to play in it even if they don’t really have the need to cool off.
I also have another personal theory related to pigs and mud.
It is also possible that perhaps, pigs also cover their bodies in mud in order to mask their presence in the wild. Pigs are intelligent animals and it won’t be surprising if they learned the art of disguising their scents.
Mud in the wild will be mixed with various scents which can easily confuse predators that rely on smell when hunting.
This can help increase a pig’s survivability and it is honestly pretty COOL if it is truly another purpose of mud for pigs!
Why pigs need sunlight
Now that we are questioning how pigs can cool off when they have dysfunctional sweat glands, it’s natural to wonder if they need the sunlight.
Naturally, majority of life forms do need the sun light.
Not severe sun rays that can cause sunburn, but the healthy morning sunshine can provide vitamin D which is great for building strong bones. It has many other benefits too.
Studies also suggest that the light from the sun in the early morning can be considered as a natural antidepressant for some people.
Animals, especially pigs need exposure with sunlight to help stimulate their mental health and keep them active.
Related Questions
- Do pigs have hair?
Yes, pigs have hair and not fur. However, some pigs do have “woolly coats”
Most pigs have little hair that is barely visible which is why we can usually see their bare skin instead.
There are certain breeds that have hair thick enough to be properly visible that may capture your interest.
1. Mangalica Pig — the pigs that have thick curly coats similar to a sheep’s wool and behave like a dog!
2. Kunekune Pig — The Kunekune was introduced to New Zealand and became one of its domesticated breeds. Soon after, the native Maori people of New Zealand adopted the Kunekune, which is actually a Maori language word that means “fat and round” and can be pronounced as “Cooney Cooney’
3. Juliana Pig — The Juliana pig is a “naturally” small breed and is also known as the “miniature painted pig” because of its commonly spotted colors. It is a breed of pig that originated from Europe through selective breeding.
4. Tamworth Pig — Tamworth pigs are notably known for their “ginger” color and also called as “Sandy Back” because of its coloration similar to that of sand.
5. Guinea Hogs — Guinea Hogs today have a few common colors and that is black, bluish black and dark brown.
- Do pigs like rain?
Generally, pigs may like rain and play in the rain as it can help them cool off when needed.
When your pig does like the rain, it is safe as long as they are not left out in the rain for too long otherwise they can be exposed to pneumonia or other diseases.
Pigs often have individual personalities that make them different from every other pig which means it may not be the same for all pigs but it doesn’t hurt to try things.
There are pigs who love swimming and there are those that are completely terrified.
As long as you have other means to keep your pig cool, there should not be any reason for them to stay in the rain.
If you’d like to know more about pigs and rain, you can read “Do Pigs Like Rain?” by clicking the blue texts.