You’ve probably seen Babe and Charlotte’s Web and started wondering whether pigs can actually be that expressive.
Do pigs actually have the ability to smile? Pigs can definitely give some of the most endearing smiles you have ever seen from an animal. They are not only intelligent creatures but emotional ones as well.
Just check online and you’ll see a myriad of photos of pigs that are seemingly happy and content and with big smiles on their faces. And if you’re a pig parent, then you’ve probably had the privilege of seeing that cute pig smile every now and then as well.
This is one of the great reasons why pigs make amazing pets. In the same way that parents beam with pride when their kids’ faces light up, pig parents also feel that sense of fulfillment when they see their pig’s face all content and happy.
It is important for pig owners to understand how a pig’s overall behavior is related to its emotions. This way, you can create a balanced environment where pigs and humans can live happily together.
When pigs become sad, angry, or stressed, they will most likely act out, creating a lot of inconvenience to the humans around it.
Read more to find out what a pig’s emotional tendencies are so that you can enjoy seeing your pig smile more often.

Pigs and Their Emotions and Behaviors
Pigs are like humans in so many ways, especially when it comes to their emotions. They are sentient beings — they have feelings, and are not just creatures who live and go about their daily lives without emotion.
In fact, Professor Francoise Wemelsfelder says that pigs are able to show how they feel through their body language. This makes it even more important to be highly observant of the way your pigs behave. They may be telling you something that you need to know about their overall well-being.
What are some behaviors pigs display when they are happy?
Pigs that are happy are playful, with their tails wagging. You will notice a certain spring to their step. They will also be more open to different activities and would display a healthy appetite.
But what happens when pigs are sad or fearful?
Of course, they will show the exact opposite.
Pigs that are under stress will urinate and defecate anywhere they want, regardless if they have been trained to use the little box before. They will look grumpy and will keep to themselves and sulk. They may also become aggressive and destructive.
When your pig shows these signs of stress, check the surroundings right away. There may be something (or someone) that is causing extreme stress to your pig.
You could also opt to visit the vet. It is also possible that your pig is exhibiting signs of stress because of poor health.
How to Keep Your Pigs Happy
Don’t ever want to see that smile leaving your pig’s face?
The great thing about being a pig parent is that most of the time, you can try and control their circumstances. Having a better handle over their environment and surroundings will allow pigs to thrive.
Here are a few ways for you to keep your pig smiling, happy, and content:
- Be gentle and kind
Notice a pig’s overall demeanor? Though playful, it still remains timid and gentle. This is what it also expects from the people (or animals) around it.
Avoid talking to a pig in a loud voice. It thrives in an environment where people speak to it kindly.
This is also one reason why pigs often get along better with cats than with dogs. It can get scared when dogs start barking or acting aggressively.
Be kind to it as well. Don’t slap or hit it when it misbehaves. Especially if you give it a slap at the bottom, it can get very offended and sulk for days.
- Show them affection
Most of the time, pigs don’t like being picked up or babied. This is brought about by their instincts kicking in. After all, out in the wild, they are considered prey where larger predators would pluck pigs up from the ground and lift it up.
But this doesn’t mean you can’t show your pig some affection. All it takes is trust.
If your pig is fairly new to your home and does not trust you just yet, you can start with simple actions like gently patting or stroking the top of its head. It also appreciates scratches below the ear and that occasional belly rub.
Once it warms up to you, you can start cuddling with it more often. Just don’t overdo it and end up shaking or squeezing it too much as its fears may come back all over again.
- Reward them for good behavior
You know how kids’ eyes light up when you bring hoe a surprise or give them a reward? The same thing happens when you do the same thing to a pig.
Hand a treat or two to your pig when they show you good behavior. You can also do this when they learn a new trick or skill. This does not just reinforce good behavior, this also tells your pig that you appreciate the things it does.
Who wouldn’t smile and be happy because of that?
- Keep them well-fed and comfortable
In huge farms, you would rarely see pigs smiling. This is mainly because pens are overcrowded and filthy, and they just aren’t comfortable at all.
Keeping a pig at home as your pet gives you an opportunity to change all that.
Don’t get us wrong — a pig definitely loves company! It just loves snuggling against other pigs. But make sure that it’s comfortable as well.
Its bedding should be clean and gentle to its skin. Carelessness in choosing its bedding can lead to allergies. You can actually let your pig use blankets and pillows instead of the usual straw or hay. Not only will this be less messy, it also keeps them comfy.
Pigs are generally clean animals. It’s not true that they’re dirty and messy and have no regard for hygiene. In fact, pigs hate leaving urine or feces near the place where they sleep and eat. This is why potty training them should be one of the first things to do when you get a pet pig.

Feed them right, too. Note that keeping them well-fed does not mean overfeeding them. Know what your pig’s nutritional requirements are and make sure those are fulfilled. Avoid overfeeding them because this could lead to obesity, and obesity can lead to more serious sickness.
Regular visits to the vet are a must, because this can give you more insight on whether your pig is healthy or not. And a healthy pig is always a happy pig.
Related Questions
Do pigs recognize their owners?
Pigs have amazing memories and are said to be capable of recognizing and remembering humans quite well. Their memories are actually so good, that they can memorize directions and are quite capable of finding their way home even over great distances. They also remember places where they found before.
Do pigs cuddle?
Pigs love to cuddle and are generally affectionate, but you have to gain their trust first. You can start out with a few strokes on their head, a scratch behind their ear, then progress to a belly rub. Pigs normally do not like being picked up because as an animal preyed upon in the wild, they are often plucked from the earth and lifted up by their predators.
What do pigs like to eat?
Pigs love eating anything and everything, so it’s usually up to the pig owner to make sure the pig stays within its proper diet and avoids overeating. You can DIY a pig’s meal and put in vegetables, fruits, and grains, plus some protein supplements. You could also purchase pig pellets that satisfy your pet pig’s nutritional requirements. For food treats used in training, pigs love everything from bits of apples and carrots, to popcorn and Cheerios.