For animal lovers, it is normal for us to look for companions for our pets. As a pig owner, it is important to consider the safety of the pig when mixing them together with other species of animals that is why we need to know which animals they get along with and which they do not.
So do pigs and cats get along? Yes, pigs get along with cats very well most of the time! The cat and pig pair is known for their good and balanced chemistry.
Pairing a pig together with a cat is not as chaotic as the common cat and dog combination! Pigs are prey animals and usually do not fight back when threatened.
Cats are also better in tolerating a pig’s behavior than they do with dogs and dogs cannot tolerate pigs the way cats can do.
Still, it can depend on the pig and the cat’s personalities on how well they can get along.
Pigs can get along with nearly any other animal but the usual problem is if they are liked back. Cats may like them back but they may not form a bond that some owners may expect.
If a cat is old or not into a pig’s behavior, the cat may just ignore the presence of pigs which is okay since they will not be fighting. Some cats may also find pigs annoying and avoid the pig when it happens.
Pigs on the other hand, may be too energetic and the cat may not be able to keep up with it. For an opposite scenario, a cat may be too playful while the pig can be too docile for them to be on the same wavelength.
It all still comes down to their personalities if we are going to be detailed and accurate.
However, cats and pigs do get along just fine most of the time. Cats can be lazy and pigs can be lazy too. In this similar aspect, they could enjoy sleeping together like good friends.
Sometimes, a pig would lie down and the cat sees them as a perfect pillow or cushion to lie on. Most pigs wouldn’t mind and continue to sleep!
How much do they get along?
Well, that can depend on their individual personalities.
— If both animals are playful and outgoing, they can be great playmates.
— If one is playful and the other is timid, they can get a bit annoyed with each other.
— If they’re both timid, they can enjoy nap time together.
Truly, it’s all about their personalities too.

Why exactly do pigs get along with cats better than with dogs? There are specific elements that a pig has but other pets don’t. How can you make sure your pig and cat can get along? Read on to find out!
How to find out if your pig and cat gets along
Many of us know that they do get along because a pig’s personality is tolerable for cats and they are much quieter than dogs. So what exactly are the signs that a pig and cat share a good bond together?
Below are the possible signs we can pay attention to.
- Pig wagging their tail upon seeing the cat. Tail wagging is a sign of affectionate behavior
- Pigs smiling at the cat means happiness. The pig is probably happy to be around the cat.
- The pig nudges the cat with their nose. It is a sign of curiosity but also a way to ask for attention because they like the object, person or animal.
- Both are curious animals and can be seen following each other around. This can be a neutral sign, but if they are often seen doing this, it can be perceived as friendly behavior.
- Cat grooming the pig can be perceived as possessive behavior, but it also means the cat is being affectionate towards the pig enough for them to want to groom it.
- Cat rubbing against the pig’s body. We all know how cats show their affection for us which is rubbing their bodies against our legs, this can be done towards pigs too.
- Cat does not hurt the pig by scratching, does not hiss or show hostile behavior. It probably means the cat is okay with the pig.
- Cat can be heard meowing affectionately at the pig. It’s a form of communication and the vocal tone can say a lot for animals.
- Cat openly playing with a pig is a clear sign of acceptance and friendship.
- Sleeping together or cuddling is a big sign of friendship.
Knowing the signs, how can we help make sure that our pigs and cats can get along? There are several things you can take note of as you read on.
How you should introduce a pig to cats
For most people, first impression leaves a big impact and may even last. It is the same when introducing two different pets to each other. Cats tend to remember bad first encounters and so does pigs, so be careful.
Like how most relationships begin, proper introductions with the right guidance can prove to be helpful.
Owners should be aware of their pig or cat’s personalities.
Depending on how you guide your two pet’s meeting, the way they will behave and bond with each other could differ.
“Pigs love cats. My family has two piggies, both about 100 lbs, and Daisy LOVES our cats! The cats though, not so much“
Babette LeBlanc, Pet pig owner and lover
— posted at
According to the quoted text above, it seems that the most common issue if the pig is liked back by your cat. So how do you introduce a pig to a cat?
There are different ways to do a proper introduction and you can play big part in it simply just by watching over them.
Guide to Introducing Pigs to Cats
Like people, animals need time to familiarize with new things, new places and new companions. Animals might take longer before they completely accept changes.
This is normal and should be understood with enough patience.
Step 1: Supervise their first encounter
It’s important to witness this moment as it will show you their pure or honest reactions to each other. This will give you a good idea on what to do next.
Step 2: Give them space
Even though you’re observing, don’t make the animals feel like they’re being watched. This may cause them to be on guard, feel pressured and will not act natural.
Step 3: Respect the first pet’s “territory”
Whoever came first deserves to have
their “territory” respected. Some cats may be territorial and would
want to keep strangers out of their comfort zone.
If this is the case, DON’T let your pig wander off to the cat’s “den”
right away. This might cause the cat to be annoyed, be on guard or worse,
launch an attack.
A pig may NOT react to a few claws to their faces and may not perceive it as a
hostile action immediately.
However, if this happens, either move your pig away before it gets worse or let
it be if the cat seems to have retreated or calmed down.
If the cat sees the pig is not fighting back, it will figure out attacking was
unnecessary and will examine the pig as much as the pig is examining the cat.
Note: A pig’s nose (the snout) can be very sensitive, so if you feel like the
situation is risky, take your pig away and let the cat approach the pig on its
Step 4: Allow as much interaction as possible
Compared to other pets, a pig CAN be left alone with cats.
Cats are less dangerous than larger predator animals like dogs. After you’ve ensured that you observed the pig and cat long enough, you may be confident to leave them together.
Sometimes you will be surprised when you get back and find them cuddling, sleeping next to each other or even playing games together.
All you need is patience and your cat and pigs will definitely become great friends.
Step 5: Designate proper areas for each animal
Since we’ve talked about “territories”, owners must know that pets need their personal space which means it is important to separate a pig’s feeding and wasting area apart from a cat’s.
Doing so can help make both animal feel comfortable with each other as none of them feels oppressed regarding their personal spaces.
Step 6: Conduct activities that involve the two animals
Once you’ve gone through the first few steps, it is safe to go to a more direct approach by making them do activities together such as playing together and showing each other that you equally care for both of them.
Related Questions
- What kind of toys do pigs like?
Most pigs love motion toys and light objects that they can easily nudge, lift or chase around. This means they will enjoy different kinds of balls to play with.
Pigs are actually not hard to please and they will enjoy many toys similar to toddler toys.
They will also like sound based toys because pigs do not have great eyesight and they rely heavily on their sense of smell and hearing.
Pigs will also enjoy “hide and seek with treats”. You can leave safe toys that can contain the treats and the pig has to look around for their treat. This is actually a good way to stimulate a pig and keep them from being bored.
They can also be provided with stuffed toys, dolls and figurines that they can have fun with. Make sure the toy is not small enough for them to accidentally swallow or sturdy enough not to break into tiny pieces.
Straws, unused clothes and other long yet soft objects can also keep them entertained. So long as the object is not pointy, filthy or dangerous for a pig, it should be fine. Pigs can be easily happy.
Read “How to Keep a Pig Entertained?” to learn more about entertaining your pigs.
- What is a pig’s favorite treat?
Pigs can develop personal preferences but we listed down the top most commonly loved treats by pigs.
The most popular treats known to love by pigs are… cheerios, raisins, dried fruits, granola, zucchini, eggplants, shredded wheat, cherry tomatoes, dried cranberries, popcorn and baked cheese crisps.
Keep in mind that some pigs may or may not like these but there is no need to worry as pigs are not picky eaters. There is a wide variety of choices to pick from when choosing a treat for your pig.
They can eat many kinds of fruits and vegetables. You can read, “What do Pigs Eat?” to learn more.