If you’re interested in getting a pet pig but already have other pets at home, it’s normal to wonder whether a pig would get along with your dog.
So can pigs get along with dogs? Pigs do not normally get along well with dogs because of their very nature. Dogs are natural predators, and pigs are, by nature, preyed upon. This makes it a challenge to have both under the same roof, especially without supervision.
In the same way as two people with conflicting personalities may have a hard time getting along, having both a pet pig and a pet dog around the house could be a cause of chaos.

This is why it is important to understand the nature of each pet to prepare yourself for potential hazards.
Of course, seasoned pet owners may feel that their experiences have prepared them for the risks. Just the same, here’s an overview on how well pigs relate with other animals as well as with humans so that you can be better prepared to make a final decision.
Putting Pigs and Dogs Together
Pigs and dogs are alike in so many ways. They are both intelligent, and they can both be playful. They love their human owners especially when their owners treat them well.
They are also both highly intelligent, although studies show that pigs are actually more intelligent than a man’s best friend.
But despite their similarities, they also have quite a lot of differences. For example, dogs are natural predators. This means that they can be aggressive given the right situation, no matter what breed they are. On the other hand, pigs are often preyed upon.
These dynamics can give you a pretty clear picture of what the possible dangers are.
Pigs run around, play around, and they can squeal like there’s no tomorrow. Dogs can be just as playful and fun. But the problem is, when there’s somebody else being like this around them, they get mad. Even the most behaved dogs can run out of patience when there’s a pig around.
So if you feel that you won’t be there to supervise most of the time, or if you have no way to shelter the pig in a place that will not be accessible to your dogs, think about which pet you’d rather have over the other. It’s not new for a dog to suddenly attack a pig, so extra caution should be practiced if you want to pursue the idea of keeping both pets.
Understanding Pig Temperament
Different pig breeds have different temperaments. Most of the time, however, it’s the smaller pig breeds that are taken in as house pets. This means that temperament-wise, you could be in for a treat.
Pigs as Social, Intelligent, Curious Creatures
Pigs are highly social creatures, so they can be really sweet and fun to be with. They are playful, so expect it to appreciate toys and puzzles that it can entertain itself with.
They are also highly intelligent, so expect them to crave for some mental stimulation.
Because of their personality, pigs are the perfect pets to train. You can teach them the basics, like knowing how to sit, stay or crawl, or you can teach them something fancier like dancing or shaking someone’s hand.
They’re also easy to potty-train, so that’s a huge plus. In fact, it is often easier to teach a pig to use a litter box than a cat.
Although pigs are generally good-natured, you have to keep them from getting bored. When pigs get bored, they can easily become destructive.
Pigs are natural foragers, so expect them to want to dig stuff up and chew on random things they see when they are not kept busy.
The great thing about keeping pigs entertained is that there are so many ways to let them return to their natural foraging instincts without letting them become destructive.
Find activities that cater to a pig’s foraging nature in this article.
Pigs In Heat and During the Estrus Cycle
One season in a pig’s life where you can see less than appealing behavior and temperament is when it starts to be in heat. This usually happens around the pig’s 3rd to 5th month, depending on its breed.
When pigs are in heat and are sexually active, all of their training goes out the window.
Male pigs will become very smelly because of some discharge from their penis, which they would leave everywhere they go. They will also become quite aggressive and will hump anything they see.

As for the female pigs, they may either sulk or become aggressive as well. They will also forget to use the litter box and will pee anywhere they want.
Both male and female pigs become highly territorial when in heat.
The good thing is, you can have your pig neutered (for male pigs) or spayed (for female pigs) before they turn into these ill-mannered creatures. Not only will you maintain your pig’s sweet disposition when they are “fixed” (a term used for neutered and spayed pigs), you can also save them from a number of potential illnesses and diseases concerning their reproductive system.
Pigs Relating with Humans and Other Animals
Because pigs are playful and sweet, they will most likely get along with other animals that are quiet and just as sweet.
Cats, for example, are generally quiet and just love snuggling. This is why pigs and cats get along generally well.
If you have other livestock like goats or cattle, pigs normally get along with them quite well as well. Sheep may be a little bit more sensitive to a pig’s playfulness, but they would still choose to leave the pigs alone most of the time.
It would also be interesting to understand how pigs relate with humans, especially little humans.
Pigs make excellent pets especially to humans that are mild-mannered, gentle, and soft-spoken. Pigs don’t like being yelled at or being spoken to in a stern manner. They love being complimented or being told that they did a great job.
Mixing kids and pigs can be a whole new ball game.
Especially when it comes to smaller kids who do not yet have control over their actions and temperament, pigs may feel uncomfortable and might become aggressive. Parents have to supervise their kids at all times and should keep the child away from the pig if the pig shows signs of aggression.
Pigs are ideal if you have bigger kids, or if you have the means to keep your kids away from your pet pig.
Related Questions
Are pigs dangerous pets?
Pigs are not dangerous at all, unless they are not trained properly and are not given the kind of care it needs. Generally, pigs are friendly and social. However, when pigs get bored, they can eventually become aggressive and destructive. The great things about pigs is that you can start training them at an early age. They are also easily amused by toys and puzzles, so this should keep them entertained and keep them from getting bored.
Do pigs and cats get along?
Pigs and cats are the perfect companions at home because their personalities and temperaments complement each other. Cats love snuggling and cuddling, something that pigs love as well. In the event that they don’t become snuggling buddies, they would generally stay out of each other’s way and would still have an overall peaceful relationship nonetheless.
Do pigs need to be in pairs?
Pigs easily become lonely, so getting a pair would be ideal. However, it’s okay to get just one pig if you know that your pig won’t feel lonely at home, like if you have another pet that it would get along with, or if you’re there to keep it company all the time.