by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
It is common for veterinarians and breeders to recommend adding electrolytes to your pig’s water, especially if they’re sick. What are electrolytes? Electrolytes provide nutrients like chloride, sodium, potassium and calcium. These are the nutrients that...
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
Many people think pigs are slow due to their heavy weights and large bodies, but the truth behind a pig’s misrepresented image can truly surprise anyone and leave a better impression for pigs! So, how fast is the fastest pig? Wild boars are proven to run as...
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
New pig parents should be well informed of how they can properly raise and take care of their adorable micro pigs. As a guide, we compiled the most helpful tips you can find to make it easy for you and your pig! 1. What kind of diet your micro pig needs Provide a...
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
There are many things most people still do not know about pigs and it includes how smart pigs can get. Pigs have a bad reputation and we want to clear that stigma by writing about their real image! Can pigs recognize their owners? Yes, pigs can recognize their owners....
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
Pigs can get along with different types of animals therefore it is natural to be curious if there are unusual combinations for them such as chickens. Both are common farm animals and should be familiar with each other. So do pigs and chickens really get along? Most of...
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
Once you learn that pigs are unable to sweat properly, you will begin to wonder how they can manage to cool off and that is what we are going to fully explain in this article! How do pigs cool off? Pigs naturally cool off by soaking their bodies on any nearby water or...