Are you a new pig owner? Are you planning to adopt a pig? Recently, pigs are starting to be popular as pets and more people would like to learn more about them which is a good opportunity to clear their bad image.
Can you take pigs for a walk? Yes, you can take pigs for a walk. However, there is a legal requirement first. Pigs will generally need a WALKING LICENSE before you can take them out on walks. The first step any pig owner should do is become a registered pig keeper and then go through the process of registering your pig.
Once your pig has been registered, you can then apply for the walking license from your local Animal Health Office (AHO). You will be asked for your legal documents as a registered pig keeper and present your CPH (County Parish Holding) number.
Further identification details might be required, so prepare other documents or IDs that you think will be helpful. For the UK and US, legalizing your pig is a necessary step but this may be different depending on your area or location.
Laws may differ on other states and it’s recommended to check with the officials first. (For a detailed guide on legalizing your pig, you can view our article about it here)
After you applied for the walking license, you will be asked for the walking routine you plan to take or you can ask the animal health office for a recommended routine plan which you will need to follow.
If you have a specific routine plan that you want, this plan needs to approved first and the factors they will consider before approving this are the risks and possible inconveniences that may happen.
The reason behind this is because there are certain neighborhoods that are not “pig friendly” or could be “health conscious”.
Pigs are capable of transmitting diseases to humans if they get infected when not properly cared for. This is the purpose of legalizing pigs as pets, to minimize the risks of another disease outbreak.
Once your application approved and verified, you will receive your pet pig’s walking license and it needs to be manually renewed on given time frame.
In case your application is not accepted, the health officers must have determined a problem and they will most likely explain it to you. Usually, an application can be rejected because of the neighborhood’s area.
Pigs can be quite sensitive in their environments and can be easily prone to disease.
If you truly want to walk your pig, you can ask your local animal health office if you may try to apply for the license again after a specific waiting period.
Learning about this requirement may discourage you from getting a pig. To keep you interested, we will explain why the legal matters are very important not just for your pig’s welfare, but for you and other people too.
Why you should walk your pig
Once you get your much desired walking license and everything is ready for you and your pig, walk them as soon as you can!
Walking your pig is an important exercise to keep your pig fit.
Pigs will need a decent amount of exercise and walking is one of the easiest options for them. Their bodies also need sufficient sunlight which they can get by walking outdoors.
They are also curious animals. Bringing them outside will make them very happy as they love to explore and discover new things!
Pigs can also graze on grass and dig the ground for roots and insects. This can be a “side snack” for your pig when you take them for a walk outside!
The best part of walking them is that you managed to keep them fit, they can get vitamins from the sunshine, you can satisfy their curiosity and you can let them have a side snack out of it!
Did you know that obesity is one of the most common problems in pet pigs?

Sometimes it’s because of irresponsible feeding, improper diet, intentional overfeeding and sometimes, it’s because owners don’t want to go through the trouble of getting a license.
Much similar to driving license, pigs are animals that is highly observed by health groups which is why if you get caught owning a pig without license or walking them without a walking license…
There’s a possibility to lose your pet!
This is why it’s important to get registered to avoid unnecessary loss and inflict trauma or pain for your pig too.
Why you should register your pig
It’s understandable that walking a pet can be a very simple matter, but when it comes to health concerns, it can be very risk.
The main purpose of registering pigs regardless if they are pets or not is for disease prevention. Owning a pig has become very strict due to the high risk of exposure to contagious zoonotic diseases.
Zoonotic diseases are sicknesses that can be transmitted between animals and humans.
If a pig is registered, the local veterinarian offices can monitor a pig.
A licensed pig will be kept away from risks and so will the owners.
If a threat has been detected, the owner will immediately be contacted for safety measurements and to ensure the pig is medically checked.
There have been several disease or virus outbreaks that happened in the past. Almost anyone or perhaps, everyone has heard about these viruses.
These notorious viruses are..
* Swine Influenza (H1N1 virus)
This virus is deadly to all ages. It may be similar to a typical fever, but once it gets bad, it can be fatal to the point of death.
* Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Causes severe fever, inflammation, appetite loss, sore throat, depression, and pain in the tongue or gums, red rashes on palms and soles and irritability in infants or toddlers.
These viruses are notably remembered for their terribly symptoms. The symptoms may appear normal at first which is why it poses even more danger.
This is why it is very important to register your pig. Licensing may take a long process in the beginning, but it can become beneficiary for both owner and pet.
What are the benefits of registering
– A licensed pig is constantly monitored without fail therefore, giving the owner the security and trust that their pet can live a long, healthy life.
Licensed pigs will be given with a unique code which is called a “herd mark“. This is what is used to monitor your pig.
– Having a license for your pig could also be used as supporting documents when traveling with your pig.
The license is like an extension and a mark of approval that lets people know your pig is being safely observed by the proper officials.
Most airline companies would require a pig owner to present a health certificate which can easily be acquired and supported by your pig’s legal license.
Traveling with a pet could be complicated, especially for an unusual and risky type such as pigs. It is advised to contact the country’s embassy for the requirements and regulations first before traveling.
– Applying for the WALKING LICENSE will require the owner to make their pigs identified. Identification marks can either be a tattoo or a tag on the ear.
These identification marks is not only required by the local animal health offices, but is also helpful for owners in case their pig gets lost or goes missing.
Having a license can be very handy, so it’s worth registering your pig.
Helpful tips to register
When applying for a license, you may need to prepare a certain amount to pay for fees. Prices may vary depending on your country or area.
Prepare important documents in advance that may be asked. You might also be asked to fill up a form. You must be 18 years old and above before you can apply.
You may see a sample of an application form in this link plus additional information regarding it:
Click the ” Pig Herd Application Form ” to download a .docx file in order to have more ideas on what you might need to prepare.
Once you’ve sent out an application, the “verification” process and the things they will consider are some of the following.
– The environment in your area
– The climate in your area
– If there are other animals
– If the pigs will be exposed to risks
– Applicant’s caring and financial capabilities
If you still have further questions about the process, you have the option to call the service hotline to get your answers. You may also check their website.
DEFRA HOTLINE # 08459 33 55 77 Site:
How much does licensing/registering cost?
There is actually NO specific amount for a pig ownership license and walking license as the prices may differ depending on each area.
Another thing is that most pets you buy from breeders such as pigs will already come with a license and they may charge you extra for the money they already spent for the process.
To provide a general answer, a pig could cost $750 up to $3500 depending on your deal with a breeder.
Since prices may range depending on your country or area, the best advice we can provide is to call your local Animal Health Office who most likely handles registration processes and inquire about the costs and fees.
- How much does raising a pig cost?
An estimated total could take up to $600 and more. It’s natural to wonder about the total costs after finding out about their needs, so here’s a helpful page that can explain all the costs in full detail for you.
To explain further with more detail, the feed alone could get expensive. You must also consider the amount of water supply for drinking.
Housing or bedding if they are indoor pets is necessary for comfort too. Medications and treatments should be added to your calculations and lastly, if it’s required, licensing may cost some money as well.
Please be reminded that prices may differ depending on your country or area therefore we can only provide an estimated amount.
- How much space do pigs need?
Pigs (outdoor pigs) need a minimum of 400 square feet each for pasture as recommended by the University of Arkansas Extension.
When deciding how much space is needed, a few factors need to be taken into consideration first such as how many pigs are there, their breed, the size and age.
Pet pigs are different from livestock pigs. However, the larger your pig is, the more they’ll need a large space. Pigs may survive in small spaces but to make them comfortable, they need room to freely move around in.
As long as there is enough space to eat and put their mess in, your pig can be comfortable enough.
For pet pigs, giving them the freedom to roam the house is the best option as they are curious animals and may have the desire to explore.
If it’s not possible to give your pig that much freedom, the size of one room should be enough to satisfy them and keep them occupied as they tend to get bored and depressed.