Pigs are intelligent animals and when we learn about their intelligence we start to become curious about them and wonder if they have self-awareness the same way as we do.
Can pigs recognize themselves in a mirror? Pigs react to what they see in the mirror but it is still not clear until today whether they know the reflection belongs to them or not according to research.
Having self-awareness is one way to determine how intelligent an animal can possibly be. Our scientists have been studying and observing how intelligent pigs are and have been checking for signs of self-awareness.
Unfortunately, we still do not have a firm answer yet.
There are times when a pig sees their reflection in the mirror and they will not flinch as if they are aware it is their own image.
But there are also times when a pig reacts completely different and goes around the mirror or tries to change positions to check if there was another pig nearby.
My personal belief suggests that pigs may have different intelligence levels. Some pigs may have self-awareness and some may not which explains the different reactions from different pigs.
However, the confusing part is when the same pigs exhibits signs of self-awareness one day and suddenly behave the opposite way the next.
Who knows? Perhaps pigs are intentionally trying to confuse us because they are too intelligent to let us know!
Pigs are one of the top intelligent animals in the world. In fact, they once ranked fifth among a global ranking.
Based on several studies, some studies suggest that pigs have the same intelligence level as a two year old child.
One example of an animal that “officially gained” self-awareness after long years of researching is the Magpie birds. Hopefully, we will get an answer about a pig’s self-awareness in the upcoming years.
Aside from the possibility of self-awareness, the intelligence of a pig can still offer many interesting things. What else is amazing about pigs?
Can pigs recognize other pigs?
If not recognizing themselves in a mirror, pigs can definitely recognize other pigs. They can remember up to 30 other animals or fellow pigs and they can also recognize their owners even after years of separation!
Which animals can recognize themselves in a mirror if not pigs?
There are only a few animals that have self awareness enough to recognize themselves in a mirror.
With humans as an exception, the other animals that can recognize themselves are a few apes, dolphins, elephants and magpies.

Are pigs intelligent enough to recognize themselves in a mirror?
The intelligence of our minds allow us to feel emotions and process the way we perceive ourselves, the world and many other things.
Pigs are smart enough to perceive many things an average animal can’t.
How smart can pigs get? How does a pig’s intelligence affect their way of life? What are the things pigs do that prove they’re one of the smartest?
Since it is not yet proven, it is possible that pigs can have self-awareness and we only need to wait until our researchers can confirm it for us.
- Pigs can be trained faster and easier
- Pigs can be sympathetic and compassionate
- Pigs have great memory
- Pigs can outsmart dogs and chimpanzees
- Pigs are sensitive and emotional
A. Pigs can be trained faster and easier — many owners support this claim and even state that they are better than dogs.
B. Pigs can be sympathetic and compassionate — it is believed that pigs can possibly sense grief from others and may console them for comfort. This is one of the reasons why pigs are proven to help reduce depression.
Pigs can also be an emotional support or therapy animal for some people!
C. Pigs have great memory — they can remember many people and fellow animals. Even after years of separation, a pig can remember its owner or someone that abused them.
They are great at remember small details and easily pick up hints about things that we try to teach them.
D. Pigs can outsmart dogs and chimpanzees — to prove the intelligence of pigs, tests were performed and scientists tried to make a pig and chimpanzee play a video game separately.
At the end, the pig had higher scores than the chimpanzee because pigs can focus better than chimpanzees which lead scientists to believe that pigs are capable of outsmarting chimpanzees when they focus enough.
As for dogs, dogs can be submissive while pigs can be manipulative. With this scenario, a dog can easily be dominated by a pig because the pig knows they can.
There are times when dogs do not know how to use their own potentials which is why pigs can outsmart them.
E. Pigs are sensitive and emotional — their intelligence enables them to feel things regardless if it is a positive feeling or not. It is believed that the smarter you are, the deeper you can feel things emotionally.
Are Pigs smarter than Dogs?
Since we are already at the topic of testing the intelligence of pigs, it’s natural to wonder if they are smarter than dogs. Honestly, at first glance, they may be at a tie.
Majority of scientific studies says YES, they are smarter than dogs.
Many people who owned both dogs and pigs as pets support the claim that pigs are smarter than dogs and can be easier to handle than most breed of dogs.
The Advantage of being a Prey
Another reason why pigs have such great intelligence compared to others is because they are prey animals.
Despite being domesticated, most animal breeds still retain their wild and natural traits.
Most pets that we have kept and raised are predator animals like cats and dogs so now we are being surprised by a prey like pigs and their capabilities.
Prey animals need to be on alert more than predators and thus, may develop a more sensitive way of living. They need to be smarter than their swift and strong predators.
Pigs possibly learned to enhance their intelligence by adapting and learning how to outsmart their predators.
Predators do not have to be on guard most of the time, they are usually comfortable anywhere and don’t struggle as hard as a prey when searching for food.
I have a personal saying regarding this aspect in life. The poor may be poor, but they can definitely be wiser than the rich.
It’s because when you are always on edge, you become desperate to cling on for survival. While those who are at the top have it easy and tend to forget the meaning of challenges.
When life is hard, it teaches you to become strong. Even if they are prey animals, if their minds are strong, their chances of survivability will definitely increase.
A pig’s life
How do pigs express themselves? Most of the time, they don’t have the opportunity to truly show how wonderful they are because of the bad image the world created for them when in reality, they are not bad.
A pig’s life is dictated by those who own and raise them but the lucky ones who get to have the freedom to show their personalities are one of the reasons why we are slowly starting to know the truth behind pigs.
For many years, we believed they are good for nothing except as food to consume.
Luckily, pigs are getting out of the negative zone we put them in and we are learning more interesting things about pigs.
Related Questions
- Can pigs swim?
Yes, pigs can learn how to swim. In fact, they might actually enjoy it. At first, they may not enjoy it because they are not used to large bodies of water.
But once a pig gets the hang of it, it can be a great thing for you and your pig as it can serve as a fun activity that can help your pig stay fit and also stay cool!
Pigs actually have a hard time adjusting to temperatures especially when they need to cool off because they are have little sweat glands that hinder their ability to sweat.
Swimming can be a great help for your pig during hot season!
Read more about swimming pigs by clicking the blue text.
- Can you take a pig for a walk?
Yes, you can take a pig for a walk. However, it may come with a special requirement depending on your area. Before I tell you about the process of this “requirement”, I’ll tell you about two things when walking a pig.
One, do pigs like walks? Yes! Pigs are curious animals and would enjoy going outdoors every once in a while. They will enjoy the freedom to roam. It may take time to get them used to it, but they will enjoy it.
Second, what are the benefits of walking your pig
Obesity is actually one of the most common problems among pet pigs and that is why giving them regular exercises or taking them out for walks can be helpful for them.
Another benefit of taking them for walks is they can get enough sunshine to keep them warm and receive vitamins to help strengthen their bones.
Other than boosting their mental health by taking them outside, you are also helping out their physical health. It’s a win-win for you and your pig.
Now, for the “requirement”…
Specific areas may require you to get registered as a pig owner and then register your pig and finally get to apply for a “Pig Walking License”.
This is about legal matters and can be different for every place which is why we recommend you to contact your local Animal Welfare centers or offices to fill you in about your local laws.
Read about “Getting a License for your Pig” and “Can You Take a Pig for a Walk?”