There are many things most people still do not know about pigs and it includes how smart pigs can get. Pigs have a bad reputation and we want to clear that stigma by writing about their real image!
Can pigs recognize their owners? Yes, pigs can recognize their owners. They can recognize humans and can also remember up to 30 fellow animals according to research and observations.
Sometimes, they can probably go beyond 30 and remember more of their animal friends and we just don’t know it yet.
Pigs are known for their excellent intelligence which means they have great memory that allows them to learn their name within 2 weeks of age. Upon learning their name, they will also know how to respond when called!
There are claims stating that pigs can remember their owners even after years of separation. They know how to feel grateful and will remember that gratitude for years.
Similar to this, pigs can hold grudges and remember the people or animals who wrong them. The grudge can go on for years the same way they can hold gratitude.
As long as one spends enough time with a pig, the pig will most likely remember or recognize them. Raising pigs is not really a simple thing to do and they are lifelong companions.
The average lifespan of a pig is 15 to 20 years! Spending even just a few months together with a pig can be enough for them to recognize their owners.
Pigs are capable of remembering other things aside from fellow animals and people. They can remember and recognize familiar places; they can remember directions and can also remember commands and several tricks.
When a pig gets lost, chances are, they will know how to find their way home. Aside from remembering places, they have powerful sense of smell that can help them track down people, places and other animals.
Sometimes, lost pigs do not return home because once they learn there is more to their life and the world than just their pen and owner’s house, they will begin to want to discover more.
How can we bond with pigs? How can we gain their love and trust so they will remember us? It is in fact, easy to earn a pig’s affection. When they do, they can become loyal and deeply attached.
How pigs learn to recognize their owners

When owners take good care of their pet pigs, the pigs will know how to feel grateful and can show their gratitude by being affectionate and at times, protective of their owners.
Pigs have poor eyesight, but they can remember their owner’s facial structures, tone of voice and body scent.
When treated right, pigs will remember you possibly for the rest of their life.
Pigs are actually one of the most sensitively emotional animals you can ever meet.
They are said to be aware of the passage of time and aware when a loved one, friend, family or companion passes away.
We always knew dogs are one of the most loyal animals, but you can also count pigs in. They are not as selfish, greedy or bad as what other people make them out to be.
Pigs know how to mourn and grieve their owners because they are aware that their time together has ended. When pigs mourn, they can cry so hard to the point of crying real tears.
Their grief can also eventually turn into depression which needs immediate comfort before a pig becomes self-destructive.
That is how deep a pig and an owner’s bond can be.
How to make pigs recognize you
Bonding with your pig requires patience. Not all pigs will open up to you at first-hand, therefore you must not rush otherwise they might perceive your impatience as a sign of hostility.
First, you must gain their trust.
To gain their trust, you have to be patient and let them become familiar with you, your place and everything around them.
Once they are familiar with you and their environment, they will be at ease and may willingly express themselves immediately.
To form a bond, always interact with your pig and socialize with them. Even if animals can’t talk, a pig is smart and can possibly comprehend what you are telling them.
You can start playing with them, doing small activities and even teaching them to do certain tricks.
Most of the time, they will approach you on their own because pigs are naturally curious animals. They will tend to examine anything near them with their snouts (noses).
They will try to nudge you or “push” you with their noses as a form of communication. This is called “rooting” and should not be confused with aggressive behavior.
Rooting is completely normal among pigs and there is a good chance of forming bonds faster when you respond to their nudging by petting them or just by simply talking to them.
At first, it might seem hard but believe me, it’s worth it. Pigs are one of the most wonderful pets you can ever have! So to help you, there will be more tips and points to remember as you read on.
How a pig’s intelligence affect their recognition abilities
If not for their intelligence, pigs would not care about their owners at all and they would only function as a mindless animal with an empty life and personality.
Pigs have their own individual personalities apart from their breed’s standard temperament and can develop specific behavior different from the rest.
Some pigs may react differently towards owners who left them for a long time and some may react the way happy dogs greet their owners every time they come home.
They are also capable of sensing grief from their owners and other animal companions and when they do, the pig may console them for comfort.
Pigs are actually proven to help reduce depression among certain people and can successfully function as an emotional support and therapy animal.
Why pigs are good house pets for some owners
Other animals are capable of recognizing their owners, but can be difficult to train and discipline. However, pigs can easily be house trained just by using the “treat rewarding” method.
Some owners even say pigs can learn faster than dogs!
This means pigs can really be great companions for us and they are not high maintenance animals.
What else can we ask for?
They are smart, have unique personalities, social, easy to deal with and can feel emotions like we do. Pigs are perfect pets for some people who need a different kind of light and energy in their lives.
Related Questions
- What is the IQ of a pig?
Pigs are studied to have the same intelligence level as dogs and chimpanzees. Sometimes, they are even capable of outsmarting them.
There are also studies that say pigs have the same intelligence level as a 2 year old child.
Pigs once ranked fifth among the most intelligent animals in the world. Though the ranking may change from time to time, pigs always manage to stay within the top.
Several tests has proven that pigs can focus better and produce higher success rates compared to dogs and chimpanzees, but it can always be different for every pig.
Just like people, each pig may have small differences among each other when it comes to their intelligence and their behavior is deeply affected by their personality as well.
- Are pigs friendly?
Yes, pigs are naturally friendly creatures. They are social animals by default and communicating with others can immensely boost their mental health.
Most pigs are gentle, peaceful animals but some of them can still be aloof and prefer isolation.
Wild boars (male pigs) may prefer to be alone while sows (mother pigs) prefer to travel in groups together with their liters (piglets).
Pigs are intelligent animals and can develop unique, individual personalities apart from their breed’s standard temperament.
If a pig is behaving unnaturally, chances are, something is wrong with their health or something bad happened to them in the past.
As much as possible, pigs prefer to stay away from trouble and avoid conflict by fleeing as soon as they sense danger. They are prey animals and prey animals tend to be fearful instead of aggressive.
In general, domestic pigs are friendly or neutral most of the times to the point you can even allow them near children.
They’re very similar to dogs in behavior.
Sometimes, the age of a pig can also affect their friendliness.
Piglets that grew up lonely without social interaction tend to be unfriendly towards people and even other pigs. Older pigs could also be aloof.
- Can pigs see colors?
Yes, pigs can see colors but not all colors. They are naturally born with poor eyesight but their great sense of hearing and smell makes up for it.
According to studies, pigs have a dichromatic vision which means they only have two pigment cones that create colors.
When an animal have a dichromatic vision, the way they will see the world is less vibrant or colorful compared to others.
Tests were initiated and most pigs could recognize colors such as black, blue, red, grey, white and brown. They don’t seem to react or recognize other bright colors like yellow and green.