Pigs are wonderful animals and because of the way their bodies are built, there are things we might wonder about naturally!
Can pigs actually look up? No, pigs can’t look up because pigs can’t raise their heads over 15 degrees, according to research. Their bodies evolved in a way that they can prioritize foraging food which is usually on the ground and not above them.
However, this doesn’t mean that pigs cannot see “up” at all. From a certain angle, they can see up or the sky itself. They just simply cannot use their head directly or bend their necks to look up.
Pigs can be seen “standing up” with their front legs at times which allow them to see higher and they can see the sky by lying down sideways or when you lift them in a way their eyes are directly looking at the sky.
Just because a pig cannot look up, doesn’t mean there is no way for them to do so at all.
Technically, pigs can still raise their heads and look up A BIT but not enough to completely look up.
In fact, pigs look like they do not have necks at all because their kind evolved that way because the aerial view barely serves any purpose for pigs at all.
Although pigs do have a few predators from the sky such as eagles and owls, they are rarely being targeted due to their large and heavy bodies.
Another way to show the actual sky to your pig is by allowing them to look in the reflection through water or mirror, though they may not really appreciate it as much as some animals do.
Our body naturally evolves in a way that is convenient for us. It is part of the world’s nature and pigs have their own priorities like we do.

What a pig prioritizes more than looking up
In general, pigs prioritize foraging for food, finding ways to adjust their body temperatures because they have a hard time sweating, seeking shelter to rest on and keep them safe from predators.
Domesticated pigs that live in captivity often do not have to worry about these priorities as everything will be prepared and handed to them the moment they are born.
This means that pigs have other needs and worries than admiring scenery like we do. Most animal function the same way and do not have time to spare looking around.
That is the reason why a pig’s body evolved in a way that is in favor to what they often do best — rooting.
Rooting can be all about nudging objects or lifting things with their snouts and can eventually turn into digging.
Pigs tend to dig the ground for edible roots and eat certain insects.
They always have their heads on the ground and their bodies including their weight cannot really take them on high places enough to have the need to look up!
How a pig’s poor eyesight can affect the way they look around
Pigs are naturally born with poor eyesight but their great sense of hearing and smell makes up for it.
According to studies, pigs have a dichromatic vision which means they only have two pigment cones that create colors.
When an animal have a dichromatic vision, the way they will see the world is less vibrant or colorful compared to others.
Tests were initiated and most pigs could recognize colors such as black, blue, red, grey, white and brown. They don’t seem to react or recognize other bright colors like yellow and green.
This means that pigs may possibly not appreciate the view of the sky.
Can pigs look backwards?
Similar to looking up, pigs may also have a hard time looking back. They might need to turn around most of the time in order to see what is behind them.
Despite this, pigs do not have to worry about their backs most of the time because they have a sensitive sense of hearing and great sense of smell.
As long as they are in an area that they are familiar with, pigs will have their guard down and usually do not bother turning around when they already know what is behind them.
How intelligence compensates their inability to look up
Even though pigs cannot really look up, it is okay because they are still intelligent animals that can do a lot of other things.
Pigs ranked fifth among the most intelligent animals in the world, they can outsmart dogs and chimpanzees and are said to have the same intelligence level as a two year old child.
Because of their intelligence, they have higher survivability chance in life.
They may not be able to see attacks from above from leaping predators or flying raptors, but a pig’s great thinking can easily save them from the claws of danger.
Pigs will know the scent of their enemies and can deeply rely on their hearing to detect the presence of possible attackers. They can also run fast!
These kinds of animals will rely mostly on their senses if not for their sights.
There should be no need to feel bad for a pig just because they can’t look up! Pigs can be inspirational because of the way they can be content and happy even with the little things they can have and they are not picky.
What are other things pigs can enjoy if they can’t look up
Some people feel bad that pigs cannot see the sky as they please or cannot appreciate its beauty and want to look for ways to satisfy their pigs in return.
Here are a few things that your pigs can enjoy doing.
- Pigs enjoy swimming
- Pigs enjoy walks
- Pigs love playing
- Pigs can learn fetch
- Pigs can learn simple games
- Pigs can enjoy socializing
- Pigs love exploring
A. Pigs enjoy swimming — pigs always have a hard time cooling off during hot season, why not take them for a swim? They may not appreciate the sky, but they can appreciate bodies of water!
Pigs can learn how to swim.
B. Pigs enjoy walks — pigs would always appreciate the outdoor lifestyle. Take them out for walks and it is also exercise for them!
C. Pigs love playing — being playful and quite mischievous is part of most pig’s nature. Piglets especially have more energy to spare for playing. They may enjoy playing chase and even hide and seek.
D. Pigs can learn fetch — because they are smart animals, pigs can learn how to play fetch and do other things similar to what dogs can!
E. Pigs can learn simple games — for research purposes, scientists tried to make pigs play certain games and compete with a chimpanzee, another intelligent animal.
The results intrigued the scientists as pigs managed to score higher because they can focus better! You can come up with some games for your pig to enjoy.
F. Pigs enjoy socializing — they are social animals by default especially the domesticated ones. In fact, a pig with a companion tends to be mentally stimulated compared to those who do not have companions.
G. Pigs love exploring — all pigs are naturally curious animals and would always love to roam around and examine their environment. Letting them have freedom would be great for them.
Related Questions
- Do pigs’ eyes glow in the dark?
According to studies, a pig’s eye does not glow due to the lack of tapetum lucidum layer inside the eyes. Their eyes do not reflect color at night.
You may point light at their eyes and they would look like they are glowing, but that is because of the light’s reflection coming from your devices or tools.
There are animals with eyes that naturally glow in the dark. This is why in some movies, you can see “red eyes” in the dark coming from animals.
Pigs are diurnal animals and diurnal animals usually lack “eye shine” because most of the time, they do not need to function in the dark.
Diurnal is the opposite of nocturnal, meaning those who are more active at day and only sleep at night.
- Do pigs like being carried?
Most of the time, pigs do not like being picked up, carried or held down for too long.
Pigs are prey animals and they can easily become fearful when they lose control of their bodies.
Pigs that do not like being carried might fight back or struggle as hard as they can to get away from you.
This can lead to pigs thinking they cannot trust you and may turn distant towards you.
It is important to NOT force pigs because they will possibly end up retaliating even more.
There are pigs that may naturally like being picked up, carried and held down and some may only take time to get used to it.
Every pig has different personalities regardless of their breed’s temperament. It is up to the owner to determine how they can handle their pig.
- Do pigs hold grudges?
Yes, pigs can hold grudges. They have excellent memories and can remember the small things. They are capable of remembering their owners even after years of separation.
Even slight hitting and other small negative gestures such as raising your voice or pushing them will be remembered.
Although pigs are rarely ever violent, they can still become aggressive when they are abused, mistreated or traumatized.
Contrary to this, pigs can become grateful towards act of kindness shown to them and they can become protective over people that earned their gratitude.