New pig owners would often ask whether their pets can be trained.

Can Pigs be trained? Just like dogs, pigs can be easily trained to learn a number of cool tricks. They can learn anything from twirling or responding when their name is called, to establishing a solid day-to-day routine.

By nature, pigs are smart, curious and friendly. This makes them easy to train.

Ideally, pig training should start as early as when you pet is still a piglet. Though adult pigs can still be taught a trick or two, by this time, they’ve most probably established routines that could be hard to break.

It’s also interesting to know that sometimes, pigs can actually be smarter than dogs, as claimed by exotic animal specialist Dr. Laurie Hess. So if you’ve dabbled in training dogs at one point, or at least have an idea what it requires, then you can have a clear picture of what training a pig involves.

Skills and Tricks You Can Teach Your Pig

Here are just some of the basic skills and tricks that you can teach your pig:

  • Learn their name
  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Twirl or spin
  • Dance
  • Use a litter box
  • Wear a leash and harness
  • Stop when they hear the word “No!” or see a signal related to it

Although tricks like twirling can be highly entertaining, other skills like sitting, staying, or wearing a leash teaches them discipline. This makes it easier for you and other people (vets, pet groomers, etc.) to handle the pig easily when needed. You can even train your pig small actions like lifting their hoof to make trimming easier later on.

Just remember that pigs can be quite stubborn. When they see that something does not interest them, no amount of prodding would force them to get up and do it.

This is why it is also important to place a high value on your training. Show your pet that it is not only interesting, but rewarding as well.

Tools You Can Use in Training Your Pig

These are the different tools you can use to make your training more effective:

  • Rewards

Rewards have always been an effective tool in training, and using it in a pig’s development is no different.

Rewards encourage repetitive behavior. Basically, it tells the pig that doing something right will make him earn a reward.

This is especially important if you’re trying to house-train your pig. You want an established routine — therefore, you need something that will turn a single deed into an ongoing habit.

Food is always a great reward, but you have to make sure that you keep the portions small. Remember that your pig also has a specific diet to follow that keeps it healthy, and these additional rewards could get in the way of that.

A little piece of carrot or even some Cheerios can already be a huge help.

Pigs can also be seen as emotional creatures, in a way. In fact, they easily feel fulfilled when you pet them or praise them. Even the act of scratching them around the ears can be seen as a reward.

This means that you don’t necessarily have to give them food after a click, something that can be helpful if your pig is on a specific diet. A show of affection can go a long way.

How do you know when to give a food reward or a non-food reward?

Ideally, food rewards are given when introducing a new trick. As your pig masters the action or behavior, you can start giving less food rewards and more praise or affection.

  • Clicker

A pet training clicker (or anything similar) is helpful in reinforcing positive behavior.

Using this tool is simple. If your pet displays positive behavior or successfully completes an action, do a click to mark that specific act. After the click, you can follow it up with a treat or a reward to further reinforce the behavior.

  • Toys

Toys are a huge help if you want to prevent your pig from making a mess or from destroying your yard. [You can check some out on our recommended gear page]

Pigs are natural foragers, so they just love digging. This means possible ruined floors (if you keep your pet indoors) or uprooted plants (if you let them loose outdoors).

Try setting up a kiddie pool filled with anything from paper bags and blankets to toys and stones. This allows them to explore and forage without being destructive.

You can also look into food puzzles, a tool used by a lot of pet owners to stimulate mental activity not just in pigs, but in other pets like dogs and cats as well.

Just make sure that the toys you allow your pig to play with are larger than its mouth. This removes any risk of choking.

  • Words

Language plays a huge role on pig training. Using command words or relating a word to a specific object can help you train your pig efficiently.

For example, the word “bed” could be related to sleep. Using the word repetitively when training your pig to sleep at a specific time can condition your pig to eventually perform the action at a mere mention of the word.

Benefits of Training Your Pig

Training your pig can have amazing rewards not just for your pig, but for you, too.

  • Provides mental stimulation.

Pigs appreciate mental stimulation. This is one good reason why it’s a good idea to start training your pig if you haven’t done so yet.

Training your pig gives them an outlet where they can turn their natural behaviors into entertaining (and possibly productive) output. In fact, this could make not only a pig’s life easier and more fulfilling, it can do the same thing for you, the owner, as well.

  • Prevents potential damage.

When pigs get bored, they can become quite destructive. They can make a huge mess inside your home or tear through anything they see.

They are also natural foragers, as mentioned earlier. This means that if they are not given any other alternative, they WILL forage and wreck the yard you’ve been taking care of.

Giving them proper training allows you to channel their aggression towards something else.

  • Sets a proper routine.

Did you know that pigs thrive on routine? This is great news not only in terms of your pig’s development, but in terms of maintaining your own lifestyle as well.

Because training schedules should be kept consistent, this means that you don’t have to go out of your way to rearrange your life or make spontaneous routine changes.

Training should be done the same time every day, at a time when your pig is most focused. Don’t do it before meal times as the pig might be too hungry to pay attention.

Training them just before they go to bed is perfect, because this gives them the physical and mental workout they need to have a good night’s sleep.

Related Questions

How smart are pigs?

Pigs are among the most intelligent animals in the world. In fact, they are just as a smart as a 3-year old child and are way smarter than dogs. They also have amazing long-term memories.

Can pigs be housebroken?

Pigs can be housebroken. In fact, they can sometimes be house trained faster than dogs, depending on the kind of rewards you give and the routines that you set.