by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
Pigs can still be an unknown creature to many of us and thus we wonder about many things regarding them. Many of us are curious and that is why we researched thoroughly to satisfy our curiosities! So when do pigs stop growing? Pigs stop growing around 2 to 3 years of...
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
Just like other mammals, pigs need to take care of their young in order to secure the race will go on. However, not all pigs are capable of being good mothers naturally and some can make accidents. We researched about how most mother pigs manage motherhood with their...
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
Pigs are intelligent animals and when we learn about their intelligence we start to become curious about them and wonder if they have self-awareness the same way as we do. Can pigs recognize themselves in a mirror? Pigs react to what they see in the mirror but it is...
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
Pigs are wonderful animals and because of the way their bodies are built, there are things we might wonder about naturally! Can pigs actually look up? No, pigs can’t look up because pigs can’t raise their heads over 15 degrees, according to research....
by Mark Earle | | Pet Pig FAQ
Aside from food, water is critical in keeping your pig healthy as well. This is why it’s important to understand how to give your pig the water it needs. What do pigs drink water from? Pigs can drink their water from automatic nipple waterers as well as in...