New pig parents should be well informed of how they can properly raise and take care of their adorable micro pigs. As a guide, we compiled the most helpful tips you can find to make it easy for you and your pig!
1. What kind of diet your micro pig needs
Provide a healthy and balanced diet while also giving them the sunlight they need in the morning. A pig should be able to receive the vitamins they need but also not intake too much fat without burning them.
It is actually a fact that obesity is one of the most common issues among pet pigs and that is why we want owners to be aware of what they need to feed their micro pigs!
Also, keep in mind that micro pigs are not guaranteed to stay as small as you expect them to be and can grow twice larger than their current size! Their diet can affect their growth, so take note of that.
Breeders might advise you to follow a certain diet in order to “keep your micro pig small” but it is not always a good idea as some of these diets may be providing insufficient nutrients for your micro pig.
Such method can be considered as “underfeeding” just for the sake of stunting growth! We recommend following a pig’s natural diet.
Pigs are not picky eaters and they can eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables therefore you have a lot of extra choices apart from real pig pellets, straws or other food made for pigs.
Below is a list of food commonly preferred by most pigs.
Most pigs are said to love cooked broccoli, dark green lettuce, beets, oranges, grapefruit, melons, pitted peaches, pitted cherries, pitted apricots, cooked potatoes, all squashes, pumpkins, yams, zucchini, kale, tomatoes, chard, carrots, apples, snow peas, cucumbers and spinach.
They may also like treats such as Cheerios, baked cheese crisps, popcorn, bite-sized shredded wheat and grapes.
Note: Pigs can develop personal preferences and may be different from other pigs. You have a lot of options, so don’t panic if they don’t like one of these foods on the list!
Pigs should also not be allowed to eat meat as it is the easiest way for them to be infected by transmittable diseases.
Read “What can I feed my Pig?” for a detailed guide.
2. How much water your micro pig needs
An average pig can drink 5 liters up to 10 liters of water a day, but if the weather is too hot or they are sows (mother pigs), consider giving them more.
Always keep pigs hydrated to keep them healthy and energetic!
Did you know that pigs have a hard time sweating because they only have a few sweat glands? Due to this, they can barely adjust their body temperature!
When the weather is hot it can be risky for your micro pig if they are unable to cool off. Most pigs only have access to mud, but for sure your micro pig will be bathed regularly.
Micro pig owners should always prioritize their pig’s body temperatures as they are easily prone to heatstroke and pneumonia. They can get sick if they are not among the tough breeds like micro pigs.
3. What type of climate a micro pig prefers
Most pigs including micro pigs prefer to thrive living under cool weather conditions.
It is related to the details above and micro pig owners should always take note of the climate. If we are not careful, micro pigs can fall ill just because of the weather due to their difficulty in adjusting body temperatures.
If allowable, it is recommended to install a cooling fan or heating system in your pig’s living area.
If not, there are other ways to help modulate a micro pig’s body temperature.
Getting them used to baths will be very beneficial and you can also teach a micro pig how to swim. When they do, they will definitely enjoy swimming too. Plus, it can be a good exercise to burn off fat!
Related article(s): “How Do Pigs Cool Off?” , “Do Pigs Like to Swim?”
4. How much space micro pigs need
A pig the size of a micro pig should have access to one to two rooms at least. It would be best to give them access to the entire house as long as the house is pig proofed, which will be explained in number six.
Micro pigs or simply pigs in general are naturally curious animals. They love freedom and prefer living outdoors as much as possible.
When isolated to a small area, locked up, chained or have very limited area to explore, they can grow depressed, agitated or even territorial.
They are not as destructive as most people make them out to be. Besides, such behavior can be easily corrected and disciplined. In fact, destructive behavior can be a result of too much isolation or improper raising.
You can read “How to Discipline a Mini Pig?” to serve as your guide.
Studies reveal that animals that have freedom tend to be healthier in terms of both mental and physical aspects compared to animals that are always chained up or isolated.
Micro pigs make great house pets as soon as you’ve gone through the “house training” phase. They will not disappoint you!
5. How to keep your micro pig entertained
Micro pigs will enjoy different types of ball toys. They are motion toys that can keep them entertained for an hour. Other than motion toys, other objects that are light, soft and can be easily lifted will also be appreciated by your micro pig.
When leaving your micro pig home alone, it is safe to assume that they can be bored. If they do not like to take naps or they are the type that wants to drain their batteries before going to bed, leaving toys can help.
It actually isn’t difficult to provide toys and enrichment tools for your micro pig.
They are not picky, not high maintenance and they can be satisfied pretty easily.
You can probably watch simple do-it-yourself videos on YouTube how to make toys for toddlers and other house pets like rabbits, cats and dogs. A pig will appreciate all of it.
You can tie a bunch of straws together and attach some treats to it and they will have fun fiddling with it. You can also leave hidden treats within the reach of your micro pig and they can use their free time hunting them!
There are also a lot of affordable toys at your nearest pet stores and you can always pick them up for your pig. For safety tips, always make sure it cannot be swallowed or contain hazardous materials.
Micro pigs are curious and love to root using their snout. You will always see them lurking around sniffing everything because they have poor eyesight. They rely on their sense of smell. This is why they will enjoy objects that they can lift or flip over with their snout.
It is pretty easy to tell if your pig is having fun or is well entertained. They wag their tails when they are happy or content and sometimes you can see smiles on their faces.
You can also pay close attention to their eyes. In a way, they may “sparkle” differently when an animal or even a person is happier than usual.

6. How to secure your home to keep micro pigs
Pig proofing is all about removing risky objects that can potentially harm your pig and securing their overall safety as well as your safety.
It is very simple and can be done within a day, unless you are setting up outdoor fences.
Always cover unused outlets that can be reached by your pig as they can be electrocuted when they come close to examine the outlet!
Remove sharp objects that can be flipped or lifted by your micro pig as it can accidentally stab them if they are not careful.
Limit areas where they are not supposed to be if it is dirty or not suitable for them at all.
When your home is pig proofed, leaving a pig home alone for a while should not cause you any worries.
7. What type of environment is best for your micro pig
If pigs are naturally clean, we should keep their environment clean too. A sick pig is not only bad for a pig, but it can also be bad for people too if they catch the illness by accident.
A micro pig’s health can be pretty sensitive! Pigs are actually one of the cleanest farm animals and they prefer to stay clean as much as possible.
They keep their living area and toilet area far from each other because they do not like the bad smell and to soil their living space.
Most pigs also prefer water over mud.
8. How much comfort your micro pig needs
Micro pig owners usually keep their micro pigs indoors. However, we will also explain how outdoor lifestyle for micro pigs should be set up too.
Indoor pigs must be provided with a designated toilet area (with their litter box), a proper living area where they sleep, proper bedding to keep them comfortable, access to their feeding and drinking stations and secured environment.
Outdoor pigs must have a secured fence that your pigs cannot break through by force. Micro pigs can be a great escape artist, if we are not careful they can get away and be lost permanently!
There is no stopping a pig’s curiosity. The moment they learn the world is bigger than a yard or a house, they would yearn to explore those unknown places.
A sturdy fence to keep your micro pig (and keep predators out) is important to look after your pig. A proper housing is also needed to keep them comfortable and protect them from the weather.
Adding a cooler and heater is optional for both indoor and outdoor micro pigs but can be a great help for your micro pig.
9. When should you take your micro pig to the vet
Healthcare is very important and if you want to look after your micro pig without worries, ensure that they are checked at least once a year.
It is also recommended to spay, neuter and get vaccination shots for your micro pigs too.
Again, pigs can be quite sensitive with their health but we may not be aware of it because pigs are good at tolerating their pain. Well, not exactly tolerating. They simply do not express it immediately.
10. How to satisfy your micro pig’s social needs
Getting a companion for your micro pig is also a great option to look after them.
Sometimes, pig owners decide to buy pigs in pairs because that what breeders suggest to them.
It is a good recommendation since pigs are social animals and that includes the breed of micro pigs. They would love having a companion to spend time with on a daily basis. They will not be lonely if their owners have to leave for work or go to some other place for a while.
Having fellow animal friends will greatly boost the mental stimulation of a micro pig. They can be surprisingly cheerful when they get to meet a companion!
Other than fellow pigs, micro pigs can get along very well with other animals like cats.
If you want to know more about friendships between pigs and cats, you can read our article about that here.
Related Questions
- Can micro pigs eat bananas?
Yes, pigs can eat bananas. Some of them may even love it. Experts recommend owners to supervise a pig when feeding them with bananas as they can potentially choke on it or choke with the peel if handed with peeling on.
Banana is a healthy choice and so are some other fruits for pigs and they can help maintain a balanced diet for pigs.
When handing bananas to your pig, it is suggested to have it in slices and not whole as they may try to swallow it completely and can lead to choking.
Food choking can be fatal for animals like pigs as they have a complex build and can have a hard time recovering from the choke, it can lead to death if it turns worse!
The banana must be fresh, ripe and ready for consumption. Sometimes, some pigs enjoy cooked bananas.
- Do pigs get depressed?
Yes, pigs can be depressed and can be one of the most sympathetic animals you can ever come across with.
They can mourn to the point of crying real tears! They will remember grudges and gratitude for years too. They can be heartbroken for years until a new companion can help them heal or recover, if still possible.
Depression in pigs is actually not uncommon and can happen any time. The reason behind this is the fact that pigs are highly social and intelligent animals similar to humans.
Their intelligence level allows them to feel negative and positive emotions, unlike other animals that are unable to comprehend basic emotions.
Read about: “Pig Depression” for more.
- Do micro pigs have curly tails?
Micro pigs often have short, straight tails but they are also capable of curling them. There is no actual explanation why pigs do curl their tails but there are a lot of theories as to why they do.
The only known purpose of a pig’s tail is to drive away insects like flies. It is to reach the areas their legs and mouth cannot reach.
Curious why pigs have curly tails? We have an article about that for you here.